No Internal Yet Normal At 371 2 Weeks
8 Replies
| Amy - December 22 |
I have not had an internal yet. I am 37 and 1/2 weeks pregnant with my first. Everyone keeps asking me if I am dialated and I tell them I have no idea and that I haven't had and internal and they sound surprised. I am not sure if this is normal or what week do you usually have an internal.
Most start at 36 weeks, once a week until labor.
Amy, Im also 37 and 1/2 weeks pregnant... and i havent had an internal yet either.. at my 36 week appt, my doctor told me "yeh.. just make an appointment and come and see me in 2 weeks" I was SO angry.. like arent they supposed to see you once a week for the last 4 weeks.. I felt cheated, and ripped off ( dont know why) But i went against what she told me, and made an appointment for tomorrow with another doctor.. im not gonna go 2 weeks at what stage im at now. grr.. anyway... Maybe your doctor will do an internal at your next appointment.. I know how frustrating it is.. everyone here talks about how dialated they are, and stuff like that.. and you have no idea..
I didn't have an internal until I was almost 38 weeks, although I have been visiting the doctor once a week since 36. Internals can get the labor process started a little sooner..... so I think some doctors are more cautious than others in which week the first internal should be performed.
I started getting internals at 34 weeks. I guess some doctors do it differently? Trust me sometimes it's better not knowing that you haven't dialated even 1 cm from the week before! Sort of discouraging!
I am 38.5 weeks and when I saw my doctor she said they usually only do them if you are over due and they want to check to see if there is anything going on down their or they are going to do a membrane sweep.
it depends on your ob NP said they dont do checks until week 38 so they dont "start anything". i'm 37.3 and i got checked today but then again i went to l&d 5 days ago with what was false back labor...i'd ask you doc to check you
| Amy - January 2 |
Well I never had an internal. 3 days before I was supposed to go back to the drs. I went into labor. I had a little girl on December 27th. I didnt even realize I was in true labor. I just had some serious back pain and a little abdominal cramping but nothing major. I called the hospital because my dr. was on vacation and they said to time how far the "contractions"were apart. I would have one five minutes then 20 minutes and so on nothing consecutive. Well my back hurt so bad I went to the hospital a little later anyway and I was 7 cms dilated and went to 9 in an hour. Good thing I had a feeling I should go or I may have had her at home:)
Im 40+5 and i havent had an internal, i went to see my midwife yesterday and still didnt check. doesnt want to see me until next week. anyone in the same boat?