PLEASE ANSWER -pg117080559159
2 Replies
I really need to know what an induction is, and how it happens, and all the ways you can get one! Please Please Please!
Well, there are a few different techniques for induction, I'm not sure what all of them are but I'm sure you could google it and find out. I was induced at 37 weeks because of medical complications. They started giving me pitocin through an IV at 7:30 in the morning and broke my water a half an hour. When I was having contractions 2 minutes apart they regulated the pitocin drip so that it stabilized and stayed at contractions every two minutes until I gave birth. Some women have cervadil tablets inserted or gel put on their cervix, etc. like I said I'm sur eyou could get a lot of info by googling it. :o)
| MB - February 9 |
Basically they start the labour process off for you, the drugs they give you have the same hormones in that our body produces in labour. It will depend on whether or not you are dilated and how your cervix is to decide how to proceed with the induction. I am 4 cm dilated so they are breaking my water, however some women get the cervadil drug or gel inseted to soften the cervix first, then comes the pitocin IV to start off contractions, then they keep a check on you and then break your waters when they feel necessary (if it hasnt happened naturally).
Thats as much as i know and have experienced, the downside is you are hooked up to a IV so walking around etc.. is difficult but the pros are you know when babys birth will be !!! good luck.