A week and a half ago I was dilated to 3cm and 90% effaced. I`m 38 weeks pregnant. For the last couple days I keep getting really strong painful pressure down in my lower back and in my pelvis. It comes and goes though, its strange. But Its been a couple days, but yesterday it hurt really bad! Today its still coming and going. But I dont think its contractions. Could It be?
Even though its been going on for a couple days.
It could be contractions and they could be going on for a few days, getting your body ready. Or, (what I am going through) the baby is head down and in the right position and it kicking the c___p out of your back. You wouldn't be able to feel the actual kicks, but boy do you feel the after effects. good luck hun!!
I had that with my baby, I was only 37 weeks. I went to the hospital on a Monday night, and they hooked me up to some monitors, told me I wasn't in labor and sent me home. My mother-in-law had told me the Saturday before me back pains started that she thought it looked like the baby had dropped. I thought she was nuts and thought that I still had another month! I was in such terrible pain, no matter how I sat and/or laid I couldn't get comfortable. 2:45 am the following Saturday my water broke. Keep and eye on things, watch for other symptoms, and keep your doctor posted. Also, the terrible back pain is how my mother knew she was in labor with me, and it lasted for a couple of weeks with her.