So, I was due Sun, Sept. 2nd, and have been having BH off and on for a couple weeks. Mon. a.m. woke up to really strong contractions that were 5 min. apart for a few hours. Got checked and was only 2 cm, 25% effaced.. Was advised to take some benadryl and go to sleep. Tue. same story, midwife chkd and I was still 2 cm, but 50% effaced. Was able to sleep some last night, but woke up today to contractions again. The midwife explained I was in 'prodromal' labor, which could go on for a couple days. Has anyone else experienced this? How long did it last for you? I'm so sick of everyone calling every 10 min. asking how I am, when it seems like this baby will never come out! It's turning into the labor that will never end. I wish I wouldn't have any contractions and they would just hit when its time. Any experience with this would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.