Baby Movement-pg112804706918
2 Replies
How much does the baby move when your in in the beginning of labor? I know she it will slow down a little towards the end of pregnancy because of lack of space but will she still move abou the same during labor?
All babies are different, but my son moved around the whole time I was in labor up until he came out! He still never stops moving at 6 weeks old.
Like rachael said all babies are different. Alot of women say that babys movement decreases towards the end because they are preparing themselves. My baby boy was a mover like you could never believe, now for the past week on occasion I feel him turn or a slight kick, but nothing like before. I didn't feel my daughter move at all during labor, but some women say it hurt so much because baby wouldn't quit moving. So we and out babys are all different on this one. Good luck