Effaced But Barely Dialated Getting Nervious
5 Replies
im 38 weeks pregnate,effaced 90% ,dialated to 2cm but no contractions that i can tell.The doctor said the babys head is at 0.can you be 100 % effaced and not go onto labor, and can you dialate without feeling the contractions? Tell me about the tea and rose oil trick please.
I dont know exactly what station im at but ive dropped im at 2cm and 100% as of last monday and I haven't even felt any bh contractions yet. Sorry I dont know about the tea or rose oil.
I think you may be referring to the Evening Primrose Oil. Generally, this herbal supplement is suggested between 36-40 wks to begin softening your cervix. In actuality, it doesn't sound like you're in need of this supplement since you're already effaced 90% w/ some dilation. If you decide to take the oil via v____a/orally, please consult your physician to avoid any untoward side effects. Good luck! Sounds like your baby will be here soonnnnn!
yes you can dialate w/ no contrations....those are the lucky women that have a 3 hour easy labor lol
I'm also a CNA, And have studied these things. Yes it can cause your baby to poop inside you which isn't good at all. But that's if you take to much. Taking to much can cause strong contractions "Bowl contractions" Causing you to strain yourself on pooping and having the runs cause straining of the abdomen as well. I would just take 1 Tbs once an hour try 1 Tbs at 1 hour then once more an hour later and wait about 2 hours for it to kick in "while your waiting that hour for contractions to start with first dose take a 30 min walk "outside or on treadmill".Come back in and take another dose.. If your contractions don't start after those two doses and 1 hour walk.. Take one more dose making it 3 and it should work.. I've recommended this to several patients in ER that were past 36 weeks pregnant.. And all came back same night or next night with a baby.. They were all healthy births..I wish everyone luck!!!
Don't worry about not dialating! I was only 1 cm for 3 weeks and I thought it was never going to happen. But I started getting contractions that were really close together all of a sudden. While at the hospital I went from 1 cm to 10 in 35 minutes. You might go fast too!