2 Replies
hi all im new here but a little worried im 39 weeks pregnant baby not engaged and not dilating at ALL.got membrane sweep next week which am really worried about,if that doesnt work booked in 4 c section on 21st.any in my sit????
I don't understand, why is the doctor going to do a c section if stripping your membranes doesn't work?
Hey I'm new here too. I'm almost 42 wks pregnant, but they are just going to induce me on Tuesday. With my first pregnancy my doc did a membrane sweep around 38 wks and it did help me dialate, but I still needed induced. This time I lost my memebranes and dialated on my own. So.. hopefully it will help the process start!! Just curious, if the membrane sweep doesn't work, are they doing the c-section because the baby isn't engaged?? Why aren't they just going to induce your labor?? Good Luck girl.