How Much Longer Do You Think
4 Replies
i am 37wks and 4 days pregnant and yesterday i had a succesful ecv procedure, i was up at 3 this morning with diarrhea and back up again at 4 to start the housework which i have gone mad at today, anyway when i went to pick my daughter up from school i could barely walk as i was so uncomfortable when i got back i was in agony with terrible period cramps and i also had a small bloody show, after a while the pain went, am still getting a few niggly pains though, has this happened to anyone else, and how long after this did real labour start, i can't believe i was in that much pain and nothing was happening down there!!
Are you sure it was a bloody show and not just your mucous plug?? My mp came out in bits 5 days before my dd was born, and I didn't get a bloody show unitl 4 hours before she was born....
well it had a streak of blood in it so yep i think so, have been losing bits of my mp for a week now
You can lose your mucous plug a while before your LO is will regenerate if it is too soon. Good luck!
cheers, well it's got to be within a month anyway!!! am just so fed up at the mo and trying everything, had a madras, loads of walks, fresh pineapple, s_x, evening primose oil, just been and brought some lavender oil to put in the
bath later, but i know he'll come when ready it's just keeping me preoccupied at the mo