Mucous Plug And Labour Pending
26 Replies
The day after I had my membranes stripped, I passed a dime sized ball of greenish snotty mucous ( sorry for the gross description) which I am assuming is part if not all of my plug. I have not had a bloody show, or anything brownish pinkish or resembling blood at all. I am just wondering if indeed this was my plug and if this could mean soon I'l pop. I am 40weeks +1 day today, getting anxious, everything seems like a sign of labour...
When did your plug come out? Usually labor will start 3-5 days prior of that day.
I'm in the same situation. At around 2:30 today I lost my plug.. called my MD, and she said my contractions and crampiness can be a sign of early labor. I'm due tomorrow.. so maybe something will happen. My MD also told me to try as hard as I can to time my contractions and once they hit 5 min apart for an hour.. call them back and they'll get my admission started.
My plug came out on the 29th at around 11am. So by your logic, baby should be here sometime between tomorrow and monday. That doesn't sound too bad. For the past two days I've been having bouts of contractions. The 29th, they got to 5 minutes apart for 2 hours, then stopped. Yesterday they got to 3 minutes apart for 1.5 hours, then stopped!!
I lost my plug 2 weeks ago. Losing the plug doesn't mean anything about when you'll go into labor. I was 32 weeks when I lost mine. Then I lost it again and again. YOur body will keep regenerating it, so don't worry. ALthough they say if you lose the actually bloody show part of the plug, then labor may be close.. but, just the jelly like stuff, is actually normal. I know so many woman who lost theirs at 30 weeks and still gave birth at 40+ weeks... so, its so hard to tell. Unless you see the bloody show, then it might be closer. Good luck!!
Has everybody who's had a baby had a bloody show? I'm hoping I had one late onenight when I went to the bathroom and simply missed it : ) Labour has to be soon, doesn't it? I'm two days overdue! Thanks for your responses!
bbelmore- no definitely not... in fact a lot of woman never even see the mucus stuff, much less the bloody show. Sometimes it just happens during labor right before baby comes. I was talking to my mother about losing my plug and she was like, "what the heck is that"... she never seen the bloody show on all her births. So, don't worry if you haven't seen it. ALthough, you never know, you may see it at any time from now. Let us know! :) and good luck!!!
Thanks daniella, that's rea__suring. When I told my mom I was dilated 1.5 cm she was like "you're dilating already !!! You're in labour!" To tell you the truth, I didn't know before I was pregnant either that some women dilate weeks before labour. I guess we're alot more informed these days...
bbelmore- yea, tell me about it. My mother in law is being a nutso right now. I think the worst thing I could have done is told her that I am 1cm dilated. lol.... every time she sees me online, she IM's me and says, "BEDREST" or "get back to bed now!" I feel like she is overdoing the concern a bit too far. She just asked me last night if the docs gave me any meds. I said, "what meds, and why" and she said meds to help mature the lungs. I said, "what? they only give that to you if your in preterm labor" and then she says, "Well, what do you think you are?" I was like.... this isn't labor at all.. so, I am dilating and effacing... but, this isn't labor. And she signed off right after I said that. She is an ER nurse to, to say the least. LOL>.. So, I guess old school, they here dilation and think labor. Yet, its not so. Anyhow, hopefully for you real labor is around the corner. You have to be getting so anxious and ready for baby already. lol.. Good luck and let us know how it goes!!
I didn't even have blood in my mucous plug. I didn't have bloody show until about 3 hours before my baby was that time I had been in labour for 18 hours. Everyone is different.
I had my membranes stripped yesterday and this morning I think I lost my plug but it was more of a clear gelly like and it had blood streaked through it, is this normal??
Samantha- How far are you now?? And yup.... its totally normal to lose that gel like glob and it have streaks of blood. The blood could either be just the mucus plug (blood show one) or it could be from stripping the membranes with the plug. Either way, sounds like you should go into labor soon. Not guaranteed at all.. but, your on your way!!! I lost my plug at 32 weeks, but it didn't have any blood in it at all. I am now 35 weeks and I just started seeing blood in the mucus that keeps regenerating. How is your progress, etc.?? like, how dilated, effaced are you and what station is the baby??
Hey Daniella, I am now 39 weeks 3 days. I hope I am on my way, haha. I am 1 cm dialated (been that way for 3 weeks) and 80% effaced as of my appointment yesterday. I really hope labor is coming soon!! Good luck to you as well and thanks for your reply.
Samantha- yea, I really hope you go into labor soon and have an easy labor. Good luck!! I've been 1 cm since week 32 at that point I was 25% effaced. At 34 weeks I was still 1cm dilated and 50% effaced... and as of yesterday at 35 weeks, I am 2 cm dilated and 60% effaced and baby at -2 station. Doctor says I could still make it to my due date. So, its so hard to tell. My mother in law tried telling me that I am going to have the baby within days of losing my plug. Well, that was 2 1/2 weeks ago. I tried telling her that losing your plug doesn't necessarily mean labor is soon. Thank God, because I didn't want to have him that early. Now that I hit 35 weeks, I'm not as scared but would like to see him stay as long as possible. YET< for you getting your membranes stripped, you should be on your way soon. Post as soon as something happens. I want to know if that works. I sure hope it does for you. You have to be so anxious. I am at only 35 weeks, so you must be at almost full term. :) Good luck!!!
Hey Daniella, Thanks, I hope labor starts soon!! I actually had signs of preterm labor at 34 weeks so it's seems like forever I've been waiting. Now with only 4 days until I'm due, I am very ready. I bet you are starting to get ready too. I'm not sure what station I am at, my doctor didn't say anything about that. But I had high blood pressure yesterday so they did some blood tests to see if I'm developing toxemia (sp?) and if I am they are going to induce but if not I have another appointment on Monday my due date, April 10th!
Samantha- Well, I sure hope the high bp doesn't mean anything serious. A lot of times your blood pressure may increase and be nothing, and I sure hope thats exactly what that is. It could be a sign of preeclampsia, but they would check your urine for protein if they thought that. At this stage though, you are far enough that they shouldnt worry about that unless your baby starts going into distress. Yea, I totally know what you mean about been ready. I can only imagine about where you are right now. Every waking day you wondering, "is today it". I have had signs of preterm labor since week 32. Now I am week 35 and I now wonder if I am going to go past my due date. Its so hard just not knowing. Anyhow, I really hope the membrane stripping works for you and you start dilating more here soon. The good news is that you are effacing very well, so you wont have to worry about that. :) Good luck!
Daniella- Thanks so much!! I hope I'll be able to come back soon and tell everyone my birth story, haha. My e-mail is if you ever want to chat. Good Luck to you and I hope everything goes well!!! :)