Naturally Inducing Labour

474 Replies
Alley - August 22

I'm actually due the 25th and I know exactly what you mean. This is my husbands first child too. I want him to be with me but I know if push comes to shove he may have to take her. I'm so miserable. My sister called me a 1 am last night to tell me she couldn't babysitt so I could go to my doctors appointment today. I'm reallly bummed about it. I was looking forward to hearing my progress. I lost my plug last night and now I'm just waiting. You watch, it will be our luck we go into labor Wednesday night.. Ugggh


To Alley - August 22

I take my little girl with me to my doctor's appointments and there is a curtain with a chair behind it in our rooms. I pull the curtain closed and she sits back there. Do you have anything like that in your doc's office? My little girl will sit back there patiently and look at a magazine! As long as she's entertained, she's happy. Your making more progress than I am. I have lost no plug and I haven't even begun to dilate. Of course, I have read a thousand times over that with second pregnancies all of this may wait to happen until actual labor. That will be me! Yay! Of course I have had several of the not so pleasant soon-to-be-in-labor symptoms since Friday. You know, rediculously tired, nausea, increased discharge, chills, shakes, and my personal favorite...diarrhea. Oh happy day. You know, as I type that, I just realized how gross pregnancy can be. Sorry about the details! Do you have the sciatic nerve pain? The lovely sharp pain that shoots down the back of your legs? And your right. This weekend, we'll both be posting how we went into labor on Wednesday night, you know around midnight, and we were unable to take our little girls to school on Thursday, and of course, how we are worried they will have life long trauma, though they could probably care less and it is probably just our hormones. But we'll both have beautiful babies right? Do you know if your having a boy or girl this time? Well, I hope you get to the doc to check your progress soon. -Jenn


Alley - August 22

Yeah they have the curtain there BUT I have 4 kids. LOL. Ages 6, 4, 3, and 15 months. Believe me I couldn't ever take them to the doc with me. I'm having the exact same symptoms as you are. Pregnancy is grrooss and do you realize this is the only time in our lives we pray that goop comes outta of our v____as? Hahaha I lost my plug gradually. S_x on on top made huge clumps come out twice and that's what caused my contractions last night. Honestly I don't care when my baby comes as long as she I'm having another girl. I have 2 girls and 2 boys already. What are you having? When is your next doctors appointment?


To Alley - August 22

Yeah, I would say it may be a little bit difficult to keep 4 kids behind a curtain while your feet are up in stirrups. I have one little girl already and a little boy on the way. My next doctor's appointment is Wednesday first thing in the morning. Hopefully, I won't leave this one in tears. Hopefully, they will tell me there is some progress. I don't really care when this one comes out either just as long as he's healthy but it would be nice if he would at least hold off until after 8:20 am on Thursday morning. But of course, that doesn't mean I wouldn't just love to go to the doctor and be told I was dilated at least 1 cm. So far, s_x has done nothing for me, other than the obvious. Our baby is just sitting in there laughing and saying, "You're gonna have to come with something better than that!". You know, just know someone besides my gag reflex is going on. My favorite is when you feel sick, then you burp, and you feel something creep up into your throat. I guess the grossness of pregnancy just prepares for the grossness of children. I must say though, I'm really looking forward to wearing puke, pee, and spitup again! -Jenn


Valerie - August 22

Here are some of the most common methods women try to induce labor naturally S_xual intercourse - This works in two ways to induce labor. First, female orgasm can bring on contractions. Second, s____n contains prostaglandins. Prostaglandins work to help ripe and soften the cervix. Nipple stimulation - Stimulating the nipples triggers the production of natural oxytocin. Oxytocin contracts the uterus. Accupressure - Accupressure may be helpful in inducing labor. Some pressure points you can try are the roof of your mouth, the webbing of your fingers between your pointer finger and thumb, and above the ankle about four fingerspaces above is a pressure point. Stripping the membranes - This can only be done by a health care provider. Your doctor or midwife will seperate the bag of waters from your cervix and this is thought to help encourage labor to start. Raspberry Leaf Tea - Rasberry leaf tea is not actually known for it's labor inducing properties, but it is believed to be helpful in toning the uterus and helping with labor. Cinnamin stick tea - Take cinnamin sticks and boil them into a tea and drink. It actually tastes good so even if it doesn't bring on labor it may help you to relax. Evening primrose oil - Evening primrose oil comes in small capsules similar to vitamin E. It is believed to help soften and ripen the cervix. Walking - Walking may help to get baby to drop into proper position. Visualization/relaxation - Relaxation can help with labor induction. Try doing relaxation exercisers. They are also good practice for when labor actually begins. Pineapple, c_min tea, eggplant parmesan, and spicy foods - are another thing you can try. Other methods we do not recommend for inducing labor Castor oil - Castor oil may or may not work for inducing labor. It tastes horrible! It is likely to make you sick and may put your baby at risk for having meconium in the amniotic fluid. We do not recommend castor oil. Herbs - There are other herbs you can use to induce labor. Without consulting your doctor or midwife we do not recommend the use of herbs.


To Valerie - August 22

Are you a nurse or something?


Valerie - August 22

No I actually stole it from one on another site lol I've been looking for anything that could possibly work myself so when I found that online I thought you girls might wanna read it as well


melissa - August 22

If I take castor oil, will it make me sick during my delivery?


to melissa - August 22

castor oil wont make you sick during labor but it will give you the runs before it will put you into labor, if you want to go ahead and try by all means cause if your cervix and the baby are ready you will go believe me


To Melissa - August 22

You can drink the castor oil if you want to, but I'm telling you, even if you chase it with orange juice it is disgusting. It isn't the taste that is the problem, it's that thick disgusting texture. P.S. Your toilet will hate you for life.


Monique - August 22

Jus came from doc office earlier and she put me on the stress test but no contractions.. im still 4 cm due to a failed induction last friday she schedule me for another induction thursday and i got two little ones startin school that day i suposse to go to hospital at 1 in afternoon and i thought hubby could help but its either me or kids..i want to get them off to a good start but i want this baby outta my body he's controlin my life lol... if i got to hospital kids will have a fresh week this monday, but what if the induction fails again??? do u think it will since im already 4+ strechy.. what would u do???


To Monique - August 22

I would drop those kids off at school and get that baby out of me. Someone else can pick them up from school.


Alley - August 22

Update on me. I have another doc appointment tomorrow at 10:15 am. So I'll get tested for Group B Strep. I'm going to ask the doctor if when the results come back if I can come in on Friday and get my membranes stripped. Please wish me luck! Having her this weekend would be awesome. I had s_x again tonight but nothing happened. Of course. LOL Sending good labor vibes to Jenn and Monique!


Jesi - August 23

I tried the castor oil 2 days in a row...i managed to land myself in the hospital only to be sent home and told that i should only come back once my contractions were so bad that i could not walk, talk, or breath through them...yea right!


Alley - August 23

I'm completely effaced, 3cm dialted, I'm at 0 station and the babys head is engaged. So I guess it could be anytime now.


Rebecca - August 23

Ok I have tried everything I heard of. See my husband is in the navy and we've been apart from march until july when he finally came home and so he missed most of my pregnancy. So he got back in july and had to go back to work a week later FINE then they decide that a week ago the ship he's posted to is going for a 6 week sail he explained to them that I was 9 months pregnant and due on the 30th so they gave him 2 weeks off!! The only problem with that is the 2 weeks ends on the 29th STILL EVEN BEFORE MY DUE DATE! I love my husband and am very proud of him and his occupation however the canadian military obviously doesnt have it all on the ball considering it's my first child and they'er pretty much giving me a dead line to give birth. So because of all of this I have been trying to naturally induce labour since 35 weeks with 2 trips to the hospitial with braxton hicks but they were a week apart each time and it's been almost 2 weeks now since even a sign of false labor. So if I dont have this baby by saturday my husband is going to have to miss the birth because he has to get flown to where the ship is and finish the last 4 weeks of the sail with his shipmates or whatever you want to call them. So if that's not stupid enough my doctor must have went to the same school as the canadian government because he wont even induce me so that my husband may be there to meet his first born. Appearintly the father being there doesnt matter to these ppl even tho my husband will never be able to get this time back and I'm not going to have him for support having us feeling horrible and really upset and depressed over this is better than just working with us instead of ruining whats supposed to be one of the happiest times of our lives..... I'm sorry ladies I'm really upset here and i just needed to vent I've been up crying for days over this and i know the stress is actually making the process longer but i dont know what else to do i feel so stuck any suggestions would be greatly appricated!



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