Naturally Inducing Labour
474 Replies
one of my friends has just had her little boy (yesterday) and she recomended eating pineapple but not the tinned stuff, eat it fresh as soon as you have cut it and you have to eat all of it. so im off now to buy and my midwife recomended plenty of s_x im doing it twice a day and nothing but mild braxton hics. but she recomends the pineappl thing. good luck ladies. ill let you know when my little boy comes and weather the pineapple works
UNfortunitially i resorted to castor oil :( but luckily i didn't respond to it like most women.. No running to the bathroom in fear of a brown waterfall but i did have Awfull contractions last night but i also has s_x for the first time in over a month ,if hurt but was nice to have the closeness. Now that i had the contraction my hunny wont let me have s_x again because he thinks i'll have the baby sooner.. IF ONLY!! I am still having contractions once in a while so i am hoping tonight but i am goign to try and work s_x in again. I recomend walking. It makes you feel good about your self ,plus my legs looked and felt helthier after i started walking everynight. I am half giving up and thinking she will come when she comes.. good luck ladies Oh and Pinapple is yummy but didn't work for me..i ate a whole one too!!!
I am due this Saturday - May 21. Due date was moved from June 3rd to the 21st because of the baby's size. My inducement date is set for next Thursday, May 26th but that seems years away. I have really bad Edema and have been trying everything to get this baby out! Yesterday I had an hour reflexology ma__sage, followed by a walk, then s_x and 1 tablespoon of Castor Oil. I had contractions all night long but nothing ever amounted to anything. Maybe I should try a little more oil even though it is soooo disgusting. My OB recommended the Castor Oil and said it wouldn't hurt anything - just stay hydrated if you have the runs.
Don't do the castor oil, this is my second child and i am due on sunday the 22 but i have tried it with my first and it didn't work. I am trying the s_x even though i don't find it pleasurable one bit, but the backaches and cramping and swelling are driving me nuts so this is the only thing i can think of
i am 37 wks with a large baby (proven from ultrasound) and I am going crazy. this is my second pregnancey and s_x worked the first time but not so good this time round. I'm afraid that if i wait till the due date the baby will be too big, my husbands side all have 10lbers. So i'll give some of these stratagies a try. and maybe have a baby soon!
S_x...Everyone i know has told me this plus i read up om it and it can help by releasing a hormone called oxytocin, which causes the uterus to contract. Additionally, s____n contains a substance known as prostaglandins, which will help soften the cervix.
Hello!! I had every intention on trying to induce with castor oil last Monday (May 16th). I was just a few days shy of 40 weeks. But Friday night (the 13th) because my b___sts were sore I laid a warm compress on them, which started mild contractions. I went to bed at about 1:00 am, and when I woke up at 6:00am I was STILL contracting. My daughter Neveah Jaide was born Saturday night at 10:45 pm. 22 hours of back labor, but she's so well worth it!!
im 39 weeks and 1 due next tuesday.i tried walking around thae mall and i got cramps but no baby.ive drunken like 2 -64 oz. of pinapple juice and ate half of a fresh one(anymore and i will puke)eating spicy food and i cant have s_x because my boyfriend is locked up for 2 more edema is so bad ..i have fat ankles and chubby fingers..fat arms and thighs and swollen face.i already gained 45 pounds almost and im ready for a date at weight watchers!!!im scared of castor oil and scared of herbs ...not for myself but for my baby...i heard its safe but you know just in being late very common???is being early very common(i hope so!)???is it possible to request to be induced for your due date ???or can i request to have my membranes stripped???i trying to go natural but this baby is huuuugggee!please anyone with advice on how to get your doctor to cooperate!
Hi ladies, well as promised I am posting back. I went to the doctor today and after 2 weeks of EPO orally and a couple of nights of inserting EPO v____ally, having very uncomfortable s_x to speed things along, I am a whole 1 cm dilated and not effaced at all. Of course my doctor wants to wait to check me next week to see if we have more progress before we can discuss induction, go figure. Why can't these doctors respect a pregnant woman's wishes and needs? Not sure about you other ladies but all of my family lives out of state, and with 3 kids already at home I need someone at home for them. On top of that my mom, who is going to be taking care of my kids while I have this baby is starting a new job on June 7, so if I don't magically go into labor by myself (had to be induced with my other babies) or I happen to dilate enough to satisfy them before June 7 I am up a creek. I just don't understand why when there has been an uneventful pregnancy, my baby is full term, is already over 7 lbs. why I cannot choose to have him now when I will have help and support. These doctors and their god complexes. Sorry ladies, I just had to vent and no one understands but other miserable, ready to deliver pregnant women. Thanks for listening. Congrats to Christina on the birth of your baby girl!
I am 42 weeks pregnant and I am a high risk pregnancy because of perclampsia. My doctor actually lied to me and told me I would be induced on the 16th. When I came to the clinic to arrange the time, my doctor then told me the 24th! I tried 6tbsp. castor oil and all it did was make for one terrible night. I tried the s_x and nothing, I am at a loss and I am in such terrible pain. . . any more suggestions? Should I try the castor oil once more?
RED RASPBERRY LEAF - it is available in a tea or capsule. I suggest the capsule as a pregnant lady can not drink the amount of tea required without peeing her pants. You can get it at any health store or herbal store. It costs about $9 - $11 a bottle - but 1 bottle will induce about 40 pregnant women. I still have half my bottle and I induced myself, my sister and a friend with it. Take at 38 weeks as the midwives are concerned for babies born before 38 as they have weaker lungs up to that point. After 38 week they don't care.
I took the pills (2) at 6PM. By 9 PM I was having serious contractions. By 9:30 the midwife asked me to go to the hospital - so I took 2 more just to be sure - and off we went - Waters broke at 2 AM, and my daughter was born at 8:17am. My sister was induced by the hospital twice, and nothing happened; (so a few days later I told her about the pills). She took 1 at 8AM, and her son was born at 1:45PM. GREAT STUFF!
Do the Red Rasberry Leaf capsules only work if you are dilated and effaced, or will they work reguardless? Has anyone heard of any dangers of RRL like with black cohosh? Please advise, I am almost 39 weeks, miserable and want to have this baby. Doctors will not cooperate and induce so any help would be great.
for all the women who are saying that s_x seems to be hurting try spooning lay on your side with man behind you is more comfy and you can control depth
I herd red tea you have to drik for a while leading up to your due date so you don't go over. Wich i don't understand. I'd want somthing that works FAST. Unfortinitiallly spooning is uncomfy for me too. Nothing works. But honestly no matter the pain i like the closeness and spooning just doesn't suit that for me but you make sense when you say you can controll depth. And When stimulating nipples people say a warm compress? What? i don't know how that works. Heat doesn't stiulate mine at all. what else can you do?
Can anyone tell me what a contraction is suppose to feel like? i can see them on my monitors and y mid wife don't like them but I can't feel them.... is there something wrong with me?///// Also what are the signs my water will break soon i have pa__sing out sprees and I sweat alot even when it's cold...