I am also 39 weeks and in the same boat. I am 2 1/2 cm's and I have tried walking, s_x and now today I bought raspberry leaf tea. The lady at the health food store said that this generally only works if you have been having "false labour" as it actually stops the contractions from slowing down. I recommend you visit a health food store and ask about other options as well, they know a lot as well as any contra-indications for all of their products. I just choked down the tea and it was horrible! I really hope that it does the trick.
induction can cause your contractions to be much more painful and violent (if u can understand my use of the word in this context) if pitocin or a similar drug - a synthetic form of your body's natural labour drug oxytocin - is used
i am currently pregnany with my 2nd child. rst i started drinking rasberry leaf tea as instructed 3 times a day, my daughter was then born wheni was 37 weeks and 2 days...my waters broke and after arriving at hospital 15 mins later i was having my first lot of contractions at 2-3 mins apart, she was born 27 mins later!
i am going to be 37 weeks on saturday 7th january and i have been drinknig rasberry tea from 35&1/2 weeks not as much as last time but whenever i manage too, i have been for my checkup today and i am fully engaged and dialated 3cm,s contractions have started very slowly, but i must be doing something right.!!
good luck to you all
i always let the tea cool a little its not so bad to drink then dont add sugar or honey stops the affects. I must admit i quite like the taste this time round!
I have tried the raspberry leaf tea and for me it almost does the opposite of inducing labor. It can calm the smooth muscles in your body which can cause your contractions to lessen (which is what it did to me). I have done some research on the subject and have come across information that claims both. So I guess it just depends on your own body chemistry as to if it will work or not. I have been trying everything to induce my labor (with the exception of castor oil) s_x, walking, nipple stimulation, raspberry leaf tea...and so far nothing has helped. So good luck. I hope that all goes well for you.
I took red ras. leaf caps. from 36 wks. Pushed out my first in 15 mins.
"one midwife's herbal induction"
DO NOT attempt before 37 weeks!!!!
Start early morning.
Recommended dose of herbs:
First hour: 5 drops of Black Cohosh tincture, 5 drops of Blue Cohosh tincture every twenty minutes. 4 drops of Goldenseal every hour.
Second hour: 10 drops of Black Cohosh tincture, 10 drops of Blue Cohosh, and 5 drops of Pennyroyal tincture every twenty minutes. 4 drops of Goldenseal every hour.
Third hour: 15 drops of Black Cohosh tincture, 15 drops of Blue Cohosh tincture, and 10 drops of Pennyroyal tincture every twenty minutes. 4 drops of Goldenseal every 30 minutes.
Fourth hour: 20 drops of Black Cohosh tincture, 20 drops of Blue Cohosh tincture, and 15 drops of Pennyroyal tincture every twenty minutes. 4 drops of Goldenseal every 30 minutes
Fifth hour: 1 full dropper of Black Cohosh tincture, and 1 full dropper of Blue Cohosh tincture, and ½ dropper of Pennyroyal tincture every twenty minutes. 4 drops of Goldenseal every 30 minutes
Maintain fifth hour dose until contractions are 2 minutes apart and 60 seconds long, OR until cervix is 4 cms. dilated, then discontinue.
** Hold tincture mixture in your mouth for the count of 5, then swallow and rinse with water.
8. If, after 6-8 hours, a contraction pattern fails to become established, and/or cervical dilation has not reached 4 cms., herbs may be discontinued, and re-started the following day.
DO NOT exceed 8 hours and don't do it more than 2 days without you and your baby being checked by a midwife at least daily.
| jos - January 19 |
i drank 2 tablespoons of castor oil to see if it would help induce my labor.. well a half hour later i had really bad diarreah that wouldent stop.. nothing happend im still pregnant
I heard that drinking red leaf tea can increase your chances of getting pregnant..is that true??
Inducing can make some people very sick, as in vomiting, and contractions come on hard instead of building up to that, Christine. Try nipple stimulation 30 min-after s_x. Semen contains oxytocin, so s_x is good. Lots of walking. Ankle ma__sages cause contractions (my sister is a ma__sage therapist) Fresh pineapple I've heard, Ive heard potatoes (weird) and The raspberry tea of course. Ive also heard castor oil, but that seems to cause a lot of problems for a lot of people so I wouldnt recommend it. Good luck!
All red raspberry leaf tea does is help soften your cervix, it doesn't induce labor. It can help it be shorter. As for pineapple, doesn't help either. There are only prostoglandins in the fresh ones and you have to eat more than just a little a day, try like 6-7 for there to be enough pg to do anything. Your baby will come when it comes. I've been a very desperate mommy once before and am this time as well, but only time will work!!!
I am trying the rasberry tea. RE: castor oil. my friend was 9 days past her due date and took castor oil, she had the baby that night. One thing that her midwife advised about the castor oil, take with protein (such as peanut b___ter or eggs) that way you won't get the diarreah and stomach cramping.
I had raspberry leaf tea with my first from about 32 weeks and then took castor oil at 10pm at 39weeks and had my first contraction 5hours later and then two hours after my first sontraction I had my son. I am currently 35weeks pregnant with my second and am drinking raspberry leaf tea again. Maybe it just works on some people as I know people for whom it has worked and not worked, worth a try, look up the right measurements though as to much can cause bad diarrea
If you really want this baby to come try castor oil it worked with me the first time... 2-3 tsp in a gla__s of orange juice.