i had cesarean 10 months ago im now 3 noths pregnant and would like to try a va___al birth, with my first labour i got to 9 cm dilated my cervix became swolloen and contractions stopped will it be safe and possible for me to have a vbac please help im very anxious?
I ended up having a c-section with my first and had a vbac with my second. Whether or not you will be able to depends on several things. The type of incision they made with your c-section. Along the bakini line is the most compatable with a v-bac. How scared and strong your uterus is. How big the baby is, and if you have any complications with this pregnancy. If you can safly try for a v-bac considering all those factors then go for it. If things dont go well they can always do a c-section again. Personally i was very happy i was able to do the v-bac. Im currently 32weeks with #3 and i am going to try for another v-bac. They are going to do an u/s at 38 weeks to determine the thickness of my uterus wall to make sure its not to weak and to check the baby's size. If you have a doctor that wont even condsider a v-bac and you really want to try it, then find another doctor.
As long as your uterus is strong enough you should be able to attempt a vbac. A lot of docs won't consider it because of the risk of uterine rupture. Do your research on the doctors in your area. Just keep in mind that a vbac may not be possible, this way if it doesn't happen you are not too disappointed. Good luck.