can anyone tell me if there are any symptoms of water breaking like discharge or it just happens all of a sudden???
| C - April 12 |
You will know when your water has broke when you feel a gush of water,of sometimes you leak at frist and once that happens you should go to the doctor.
im wondering the same thing too...
im not sure if my waters has broken or its a discharge. its a bit smelly and yellow.
You will know when your water breaks. It is not like discharge. With both of my children, it was a huge gush. I was in bed noth times. I could believe how much fluid there was. It kept coming out too. I changed clothes 3 times with the last one just trying to get out the door. We had to cover the car seat with lots of towels. I was soaked through when I got to the hospital ,and dripped all the way.
my sister is not due until June 14th but yesterday she explained to me what sounded like losing her mucus plug. today she says she is experiencing some cramping and has been "leaking"....what do you think??
Your sister needs to call her doctor immediately. She may have lost her mucus plug and her waters may have broken or she has a slow leak. Eather way she should contact her physician.