7 Weeks Pregnant Empty Sac
831 Replies
Bobby- how far along are you now?? and also, whatever the dr. says you are, that is pretty much what you are. So, if "you" are off on your dates, then thats not the dr's fault. The dr. is just telling you how far along you are measuring. But, that is only on an ultrasound. You can't be told how far along you are solely on your hormone levels. It has to be from measurements on an ultrasound. They usually are never more than a week off. That is why they say, give or take a week. :)
I went for my 1st OB appt. on Oct 24, I am at 9 weeks but the Dr said I am messuring 6 weeks. I had a v____al U/S and there was 2 sacs, one empty one with the baby measuring 6 weeks. Could not see a heart beat which I know is normal, but I have to wait until Nov 11 for 2nd U/S to see if my dates were off and baby is fine, or if baby stopped growing at 6 weeks. I am very scared and nervous and want to scream!!!!! I have one consillation in that I have already been blessed once with my daughter now 2. But it doesn't make this any less hard to go through. I pray for all of you! Best Wishes!
Lori- I know exactly how it feels. I was 9 weeks when they said I was only measuring 6 weeks. But, they said I looked good for 6 weeks because they seen a flicker and it looks exactly as it should for 6 weeks. What scared me, is I knew exactly when I conceived and I knew I had to be 9 weeks. They had me come back in one week for another u/s. I measured about 6.5 weeks but the heart was still only at a flicker. Went back in another week. This time still measured at about 6.5 to 7 weeks. Heartbeat "still" at just a flicker. The dr. finally said that it isn't going to make it. Anyhow, that was on a Thursday. I went in again on Friday and the heartbeat finally stopped. They did a color flow thing and sure enough it showed there was no more color flow going thru the fetal pole. I had a D&C that next Sat. The worst part is, its not like I just miscarried suddendly or very early. I knew it didn't seem right since the very first one. SO, it was just a matter of the heart finally stopping. Its very sad to go thru. Well.... 5 weeks after the D&C was my first ovulation and I got pregnant the first time around afterwards (complete blessing). I am now 12 weeks and everything looks great. The heart started as a flicker at 5 weeks 6 days on this pregnancy and it was at 166bpm at 7.5 weeks. So much difference from the last. Anyhow... keep posted on the update!! Is there "any" way you can be off on your dates?? I couldn't be off on my dates because my hubby is in the military and left for deployment. So, I "knew."
I went for a regular scan back in April when I calculated I would be 10 weeks. They found an empty sac and said it more like 6 weeks, I was certain about my dates and so I realised I miscarried. They called it a 'missed miscarriage' because there was no bleeding. I refused to have a DNC and went through a rather painful and long period of bleeding until I they told me everything had cleared. Seven months later (and a positive pregnancy test) I was terrified that the same thing was happening again, had a scan at 5 weeks which showed no fetal pole and an empty sac. However, went back today (7 weeks just) and there was progress and a heartbeat. Keeping my fingers crossed for the next 6 weeks.
Anna- well... 5 weeks gestation is only 21 days (3 weeks) post ovulation... So, you may not see anything at 5 weeks but the little black ring. But, every week makes a difference. This pregnancy now, at 5 weeks 6 days, we seen a tiny fetal pole with a little flicker. But, at 7 weeks 5 days there was a strong heartbeat at 166bpm. So, 2 weeks will make a world of a difference. Anyhow, what was the heartbeat at on your scan you just had at 7 weeks??
I want to encourage who is going to some issue with their pregnancy, I was convinced by my doctor that this pregnancy I was carrying wasn't possible with all the test coming back negative, HCG not doubling and empty sac at 7 weeks. I'm happy to say that I am now my 13 weeks going on 14 weeks. So keep your hopes high and trust in Lord he will make everything ok. Please wait for you to mis carry naturally instead of going through the D and C. A week or two makes alot of difference as far as heartbeat and seeing the baby. Believe me I've been there and I was terrified of course but I hang in there and believe this pregnancy will go full term. Prayers goes out to all. God bless!
i was 11 weeks when i found i have empty sack .
i am waiting to go for second exam but i have no hope to see any babay
Yea, unfortunately once you "know" you are 8 weeks + "for sure" and they still don't see anything. Thats not a good sign! but, still ALWAYS have a follow up for a week later.
Daniella is there times when you don't feel the baby move at all? there's days where I can feel alot of movements and days I don't seem to feel the baby move is that normal? Are you going to find what gender you're going to have or are you going to wait for the delivery?
Lisa- hey, how you doing? Thats funny you say that because I was thinking the same thing... like, I didn't feel any movement today, etc.. and then the next it just wont stop. lol.. Anyhow, just be lucky that we can feel the movement at 13 weeks. Because its rare to feel it under 15 to 16 weeks. Most my friends didn't feel anything until 20 weeks. Anyhow, do you know that a lot of what it seems to be movements is actually our intestines contracting? I thought that was weird, but I guess it makes sense. Although, I can swear its baby. lol. Regardless, right now there is absolutely nothing to worry about. Its not until you feel kicks so hard that you almost lose your step or fall off the couch and then you don't feel anything. Im so glad everything is going good for ya. When is your next scan? My next scan is in 4 weeks and I'm definitely going to try to find out the s_x ASAP. lol... because I am flying home (to the states) for Christmas and want to pick up stuff for the gender while I am there, since its hard to find anything good in Japan. Also, while we are back in our hometown we are going to get the 4D ultrasound done on Dec. 16th. So, if we don't find out the s_x at our next apt. here, we will for sure find out the s_x at the advanced ultrasound. :-) I can't wait!! What about you?
Daniella you're right when I was in Japan I didn't have too much of choices on baby clothes, so I calle dmy sister who is in the states at that time to pick some baby clothes for me ans send it to me! My ultra sound which is the 3D is not till I'm on my 2oth week, and we were told we can't get pictures for leagal reasons that's bull cr.. anyway, Daniella when I was in Japan we were able to get pictures of the baby and video for 4000 yen when we were there. That's taken off base so ask when you get your next appt. good to hear you'll be in the states to get some good stuff to bring back with you in Japan. I remember those times:) Goodd Luck and God bless!
Lisa- where in Japan were you at and how long ago? Because its hard to ride the train in under 4000 yen. lol.. Everything is so expensive. Anyhow, I will be about 20 weeks when I have my 4D scan in the states around Christmas. Also, what you mean you cant get pictures for legal reasons? Not sure I understand that one. Last ?, where you at right now?
I'm in the states now! we were in Japan 1994-2000. They told us that to prevent people from suing they don't give out copies of the ultrasound, I guess they had cases wherein they said that it's a healthy pregnancy for some and turn out there's defect, then they can turn around show the pix for proof that they can use to sue. Don't know but I want some pix even if I have to pay. I still have the ultrasound pix of my first one b__wn up to 8x10 and I put it on a frame and the video it's good to have them something to look back on you know.Yes I had my ultrasound done in Japan with my first baby and I know everything in Japan ain't cheap:) but cola balance it out:) Take care and have fun in Japan you'll miss it once you get back in the states specially yakiniku place:)
Lisa, what part of japan were you at? Also, is it in Japan or the states that told you, you can't get a printout? Anyhow, I have both my printouts from japan at 7.5 weeks and 11 weeks. But, I am paying for the 3D/4D in the states. Its about $200. Not sure where in the states you are at, but I am originally from Chicago and my husband is from Ohio... So, we were looking at both places for the advanced scan since we will be in both. In Chicago there is a good place called, "Stork" and in Ohio (the one we are going to) is called "Babywaves." Stork does it at 20+ weeks and babywaves start at 12 weeks and up. Its something neat for Christmas. I can't wait!!
Daniella I was in Yokota Japan before and No it's not in Japan that I can't get pictures it's here in the states. I surf in the net where is the closes one here where I am hopefully we will find one. Best of luck to you and email me some of the picture if you don't mind deemoes@yahoo.com, we communicate so much it's like I know you already I'm excited for you:) later then..