3 Replies
Alright, well i know that i am not preg. Becausae i just took a test a couple days ago and it cam back negitive( any ways if i would of been, i would be around 4 months, so obviously if it pops with a negitive or a postive its acccurate). Well, what is concerining me, is that my stomcah, it still continues to feel werid. My stomcah still has cramps( nothing like AF cramps) and my stomcah still, continues to stay hard. I am unsure of what is going on but could someone tell me. I know that this is a preg site but maybe one of you females can help me out. I took a blood draw and they said that i am healthy as can be. They did a pee test as well. Could there be something wrong with me?
Have you had an ultrasound? Could be fibroids, I'd keep asking your Dr.'s.
it cud be gas.................
| m - August 2 |
i thought i was for the longest time and i had ibs(irdible bowl syndrome) it can make your stomache hard and not to mention make you feel sick and stuff like pregnancy there is no cure just diet!!!