I had low HCG levels 18 on last Wed and then 31 on Friday. I also had light bleeding for 2 days and now brown spotting I went to the doctors today he said he wants me to do another blood test tommorrow he said I could be earier than I thought or when I was bleeding it could have been a miscarriage or it could be ectopic-- I have had no cramps or pain wouldnt I have pain if it was ectopic?
| BT - April 5 |
Michelle, how far along are you? My hcg levels were very low during my first 2 weeks of my pregnancy and although my Dr. was concerned, she didn't a__sume it was ectopic.I was told many women go on to have healthy pregnancies even starting out w/ low levels. She just kept testing my levels every few days. Once they reach a certain point(1000 or more) than they can figure out on ultrasound what is going on. W/ levels that low,ectopics are not usually symptomatic. So don't be too scared. Just make sure your Dr. is keeping a close eye on things. My Dr. also did tell me that many ectopics go on to resolve themselves....meaning they miscarry naturally. Good luck! Let me know what happens.
yes michelle, you would have pain if it were ectopic... I had an ectopic PG in my right tube... the pain was horrific.. How far along are you.. I was 3 mos PG in the tube.. it started to rupture B4 the dr would finally listen to me when I kept telling him I was pg..I also had severe nausia, doubled over pain, hot flashes... it was horriable.. as far as any bleeding I had.. I bled 5 days on one day off.. so try not to worry.. as long as YOU have no pain, or cramps, I would get a second opinion.. Good Luck to you sweetie :)