Has this happen to anyone..also TRICH. I know, I know horrible, (no fault of mine) b/f said he was faithful.
(I was tested last march for everything(I had a LEEP done) and everythng came back NEG(for STD) I went for a recheck colpo(pap) and Dr called me and said I had Chlymidia( i took the arythmozicin*however its'spellt)
then she called me today and told me that my pap came back positive for TRICH(Trichomoniasis) which i had like 5 years ago) been doin' research and I'm scared.... has anone been through something like this...
i just want my baby to be healthy(I'm 19 weeks today) I go for an u/s tommorow soo hopefully everything comes back ok...
anyhow any advice would be great.Thanks
im sorry i dont know anything about chlymidia but i just want to say i feel sad for you that your bf has put you through this and now you have to worry about your babys health. take care of yourself and i hope you and your baby will be perfectly healthy.