I had s_x with my bf twice last nignt and he used condom during the first time. We had it again 10 to 15 mins later and he forgot to use condom this time. There was penetration. After a while he realised that he didn`t use condom so he quickly took one and put it on. I`m worried that there might have sperm left on his pennis when he ejaculated during the first time. My period came one the 10 July and today is 28 July. I`m worried that I might get pregnant. But my friend said that its very unlikely to get pregnant with such a small amount of sperm. Anyone has an answer?? Please help. Do you think I should take Emergency Contraception Pills??
yes! it is posible that you may get pregnant with just a lil sperm, i would get the contraception pill if i was you, good luck.
Kea is right! The morning after pill is your best bet if you do not want to become pregnant. It does not abort a baby, instead it prevents you from becoming pregnant. It is most effective up to 72 hours after having unprotected s_x, so hurry!
i am in almost the exact situation as you!!! except he first time hte condom ripped and we didnt no till after!! so about 10 minutesa fter s_x i went straight to the clinicn in my town and got the morning after pill!! im still stressed and its only bin 2 days so i gotta be patient but its 85% effective and the faster u get it the better chance you have. But dont worry ur self too much! if you worry you will make your self feel pregnant and ur body will think about the stress and not letting u have ur time of month.so believe me its hard but try ur best to keep occupied!! and not y having s_x for a while!