Ok, im 19, I had s_x...a while back, and I thought I was pregnant. So I did a home pregnancy test and it came up negative (i did it a week after I had s_x). So my period was late, but I got it right after i took the test and found out it was negative. I think it was late because I was very stressed. I know you can get your period, while being pregnant, I was just wondering, if I could still be pregnant. My next period wont happen until the 24th of september. Please help!!
hey ebonee, my name is shayna. the same thing to me pretty much and I wasnt...so just wait until your next period, and if its late or doesnt come, then go to the doctors...good luck hun take care
| T - September 14 |
Hi...im the guy that she had s_x with...please help us, we dont know if she is or not...we need to know...someone pls answer.
| Viv - September 14 |
If you feel you might be pregnant in spite ot the period, take the on-line test at http://www.thepregnancytest.com . Come back and let us know!
did i mention that it was protected...with a condom, but Im still afraid...
anyway i took the test and it said there is a small probability of my being pregnant. what do u think?
| Viv - September 14 |
I think you should wait until your next period is late before taking another hpt. The first hpt was too early. At this stage I think you are more stressed than pregnant.
you're not pregnent becaouse if u get preg-you won't've period at all,so you're not