Can I Have A A Period After Conception
38 Replies
Hi, well me and my partner have been trying for the last 2 mths. I got my last period 1st April, had sex on the 9th, ovulated on the 14th and had sex the same day morning and night. I started getting slight back pain on right side and going to the toilet alot alot more than usual along with being very emotional for the last weeK and I'm just feeling different which makes me think I'm pregnant.I done a pregnancy test on the 26th which was negative, again on the 29th which was also negative then my period started later that day right on schedule which lasted 2 days and was light. Could it be possible to be pregnant?
There is still a chance. The pregnancy hormone doubles every few days, so test again a couple of times a week using first morning pee. If it is still negative two weeks after your period date, chances are the problem isnot pregnancy. GL!
Thanks so much for your reply, I have read that even the digital tests that can be used several days from next period (which was what I used) can be negative even when pregnant because some people don't show the pregnancy hormone enough that early to get a positive result. I will test again soon, thanks heaps
Thanks so much for your reply, I have read that even the digital tests that can be used several days from next period (which was what I used) can be negative even when pregnant because some people don't show the pregnancy hormone enough that early to get a positive result. I will test again soon, thanks heaps
My period in started march 30 and stopped april 3. I had unprotected sex on april 11. My period started again on time april 27 and 28th. I took a pregnancy test before my period it was negative. Could that have been implantation bleedin
My period in started march 30 and stopped april 3. I had unprotected sex on april 11. My period started again on time april 27 and 28th. I took a pregnancy test before my period it was negative. Could that have been implantation bleedin
I am roughly 7 weeks pregnant. I had sex with someone around October 11th and then got my period from october 16-21. I then got back with my ex and we had sex a few days after. The doctor said i conceived at the end of october or beginning of november. Is it possible to be the first guys?
No way, Kassy. Your period Oct 16th clears the deck. You ovulated 14 days later, about Oct 30th, and sex in that time frame is how you got pregnant. The fetal age is about 5 1/2 weeks, but by convention the gestational age is counted from your last period 7 1/2 weeks ago.