My period was six days late, I took a pregnancy test and it came out negative.I started my period and I am barely bleeding at all, but I am getting really bad cramps and my back hurts quite a bit and I'm really tired and sore all over. Is it possible that I could be pregnant? If I am this would be my second pregnancy, and I didn't have any symptoms like this when I got pregnant last time! I was just wondering, because I am having a lot of pregnancy symptoms and I read about implantion bleeding. My daughter was stillborn due to me having a blood disorder called LA and not knowing it, and I am just really confused and kinda of scared and need someones opinion and advice! thankyou
First off let me start by saying I am extremely sorry for your loss. If in doubt go and see your doctor. I have a friend who had an eptopic pregnancy but didn't know because the preg test was neg. As a result there is permanent damage to her fallopian tube. As you have had complications in the past please do go to your doctor and make sure everything is ok. I hope everything turns out ok.
you said u are still having ur periods ..well to let u kno dont let that be a sign that your not pregnant because my mum had her periods the hole tym she was pregnant with each of her 5 children i would recommend seeing a doctor beta to be safe then sorry i hope it all goes well for u gud luck =)