Okay, so I haven't had a period in like 3 months. I have had the mirena since November of 2007. I haven't been feeling at all like myself lately. I have a lot of pregnancy symptoms, but what is the possiblity right. Well, I was wondering if it was even worth it to go buy a pregnancy test or am I just being stupid. Please give any and all advice! I have had some light brown discharge, but the last time I had that was when I was pregnant with my daughter. Please Help!!
If you think your pregnant take a test, it will be worth it just to ease your mind & get an answer either way.
i know that the symptoms get stronger the later your period is so might as well buy a test to put your mind at ease.
go to a clenic or health department or your doctor and find out for sure its very important that you get care NOW.And take vitamins to be on the safe side and dont drink or do drugs please .I hope everything is okay im scared for you becasue of the disscharge but you said it happend before.Please take a test your not stupid feel free to express your thoughts and concerns with family and friends im sure they will help out and understand even though it may not seem like it ppl care and love you