Cramping 5 6 Days After Ovulation
499 Replies
So Sorry Teena :*( No words can make one feel better about all the sadness you feel, we know. But trying anyway. :) Feel better soon and put your chin will happen one day. Baby Dust! To you~~~~~~~~~
Baby Dust!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hey Ladies,
How is it going with everyone? Didn't take my test today, bit of a scaredy cat. Cramping is much less though and my b___bs don't hurt as much anymore they are still much bigger than normal though. Praying hard for all of us.
welcome teena to this site. We'll talk about everything: poop, blood and other fun stuff. Feels like I am on Dr. Oz show! This is a great site for support! Nobody else will understand you better than us. Welcome back didie and workingonfullhouse.
I should be ovulationg in couple days and have ovul. pred. tests to confirm. This is our second month. I am praying hard and keeping fingers crossed for all during this holiday season full of miracles and hope! baby dust!
Didie- we understand the scaredy cat thing. Wait as long as possible but let us know, we are in excitment to hear. Good or bad we are all here for ya.
Dovkav - I will be baby-thoughting for ya as myself. I feel the light cramping of the O starting so hubby & I are having as much "fun" as possible with a 2 yr old around. One has to get creavtive. :) makes it interesting instead of BLAH, on a schedule. lol
Baby Dust!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Praying for you all on your upcoming O days so exciting! Baby dust!!
I have a question.. Is it possible to begin bloating right after conception
? Although, I took a Hpt today and it was bfn.. I'm still so bloated. I literally look 3 months pregnant. I never get bloated until the day of AF, and that's no due until next week. I remember being bloated with my first child, but I can't recall it being so soon. I also have fatigue, cloudy mental clarity, and lately I've been so emotional.. I may just be getting sick or just so heavily stressed. I was talking to a friend today and she saw how bloated my abdomen was and she was concerned. She said it could possibly be ovarian cysts. I've had them before A LOT. But never bloating. Any ideas?
It could be bloating. I get it a lot though, I also have cysts though, so I'm not sure which it could be. I take gasX on a regular system (when not prego that is!) So here's to hoping you are prego! BabyDust!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Hi Ladies,
Sorry Teena don't know much about Cysts or pregnancy for that matter so I can't help there, but praying for you. And AF showed up. C'est la vie. I'm out for now but will still be trying. baby dust to all!!
Okay so I'm new to all of this, my hubby and I just started trying-- according to my o calendar I was suppose to ovulate the 12th, I had my last period on 11/28 and it ended 12/5. We did our thing about 3-4 times during my fertilization period. I experienced very light spotting almost a brownish red on both 5dpo & 6dpo, it is now 8dpo and I have been getting very crampy the past couple of days/emotional & sort of sick to my stomach. Does this sound promising?
MrsNagel-- Sounds very promising! Welcome to a world of support! :)
update for me -- started taking prometrium last night....bring on the "fake" preg symtoms! lol Here's to hoping they progress and get worse! :)
Baby Dust!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
mrsnagel sounds to me like you're preggo!
As for me I am now 14dpo, got a BFN yesterday :(
Bbs are still showing no sign of soreness like they should if AF is coming in 2 days. I have horrible indigestion/stomach ache all day for about 3 days now. I have no idea what's happening!
Workingonafullhouse -- could it be stress or late AF? Or maybe O was off? Guess you're in the wait 1 week and test again. I'll be thinking + for ya! If cramps get worse, maybe time to check in with doc?
I was thinking maybe O happened a few days later, I got a smiley face on cd 15 then negatives after that so I a__sumed I O'd on the 6th which is early for me. According to that if my LP is same length as last cycle AF should come today. According to my average cycle length AF should come on the 22nd. I haven't been stressed at all so I don't think that's it. I don't feel any of the usual PMS which I get severely without fail(which is why I every month I get excited for no reason thinking they are pregnancy related). I am going to be in denial and hope I O'd maybe a day later and it was just too early for a BFP... I'll be thinking this way until AF shows that is lol.
Most of us live most months in denial, it's all good. :D We will all be thinking Happy Happy Joy JOy thoughts for ya!
Baby Dust!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Still too early for me to test for BFP. Getting ansty. Still have 8 days