The symptoms:
- sore breasts
- extreme fatigue
- change in appebreaste
- acne ( this is only strange because I don't have breakouts like this )
- Mood swings
- Slight cramping
The story
My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant. My last period was December 26th, which was late from my usual 23rd of every month cycle because I was on a temporary medication. I have a regular 31 day cycle . My period hasn't arrived but I am giving it until the 26th before I get excited. The strange thing about all of this was the discharge. This is where it gets a bit personal. A few days ago, I thought my period started because I felt that sudden rush of fluids. I go check, it was a brown discharge. I take it as my period because sometimes my cycle starts off a bit brown then goes to bright red. This didn't happen. I put in a tampon, gave it 4 hours then changed it. At that point, it had stopped but the brown discharge was on the tampon. I wait to see if anything else happens, nothing. So I've just been cramping, sleeping and eating everything for no reason. May I add my strangest night of eating sweets then an entire jar of pickles plus the juice in one sitting.
I would just like to know what this might be before I run out and buy a $20 pregnancy test and disappoint myself even further. Any idea what could be going on ? All replies help in some way! :)
it sounds like you could be pregnant, but then again our bodies are weird at times, i would wait it out and take a hpt good luck..