I was just wondering what other ladies experiences were. I am currently dialated 3 cm and fully effaced. I was just wondering how long other women were stuck at this point?? I feel like i am never going to go into labor!! Share your stories with me please!!!
Hi Annie, I have never gotten to 3cm on my own before having to be induced to have my baby. The furthest I have ever gotten was between 1 and 2cm. I do have to add that when I was induced and I hit 3cm, I skipped right to 8cm within 11 min with my first and my second it was within a 1/2 hour. I go very fast with my children and once my water breaks I would have my children within an hour even when I was in labor with my daughter who I had to be induced with and she had to be turned due to being breech. It all turned out but I am definitely hoping that I actually can go into full active labor without being induced my last baby. I alway have preterm labor but it never makes me dialate or at least in the past it hasn't. I am now 37 weeks, not effaced, dialted, or anything so only time can tell. Good luck!