Is this a pregnancy thing? I am 38+ weeks. I just noticed that my eyes are like all red and veiny. haha I do wear contacts but I didnt yesterday. They are the same brand I have had for years and I am using the same solution. I dont think that is it... I do have edema but it is not severe. It doesnt hurt and Im not worried really just sorta wondering why it looks like I have been smoking pot or something. haha WHICH I havent I better add.
if you have dandurrff possible it might have fallen on ur eyelids or may be the skin on eyelids might have gotten too dry and flake which makes ur eyes irrtatable and red many a times. I would use a very mild baby shampoo and wash my eyes with luke warm water . that could do the trick that would be my first try if that doesnt resolve dr is the next option
I dont have dandruff but thanks for answering. I have an appt this Thursday and am going to ask him about it. They are not irritable or anything. I ony noticed because I was putting my contacts in. Thanks though again.
I know dry and irritated eyes is definitely a pregnancy thing...especially for us contact wearers. Our perscriptions can actually change throughout pregnancy (although at this stage, I really wouldn't recommend going to an optometrist for a new perscription, cuz it'll go back soon!). Maybe your eyes have been straining a little lately, and combine that with the super dry air of winter (and don't you tell me it's balmy and humid where you live, because I might just cry!), and you get bloodshot eyes. Especially, if, like me, you haven't been getting super sleep lately. That's my thoughts. I really noticed bloodshot eyes a few weeks ago, but it's cleared up. (I've been living in my gla__ses, and that's really helped.) Just think, the rest of your body is contorting, and doing crazy weird things....maybe your eyes just wanted a little attention too! (selfish, selfish!) Feel better!
Jenice that actually makes a lot of sense. I went to go see my eye doc this past week but he told me that I could go back in if I notice a change in my vision after the baby is born at no charge. I havent gotten the prescription filled for that reason. It is always cold and windy here and your right I havent been sleeping really. I wake up everynight at the same exact times. haha My eyes wanted some attention to. haha Thanks girl!