Great Baby Shower Gifts

If you've been invited to a baby shower, you may be having troubles thinking of the perfect gift. Sure, you could get the mom-to-be some baby toys or clothes, but you want to give something more. You want to give that perfect, unique gift that will stand out from the rest. If only you could think of what that gift might be. Well, ponder no more because we have some fabulous suggestions that will make every mom-to-be happy at her baby shower.

A Personalized Gift

Personalizing a gift can be a great idea. Not only does it make the gift more special, it can also become a valued keepsake for years to come. The only drawback to giving a personalized gift before the baby is born is that you don't know the baby's name or birth date yet. One option to overcome this would be to enclose a gift certificate for engraving services with the gift. That way, once the baby is born, the parents can take the item in to be engraved without it costing them a thing.

But what should you buy? Traditional choices include a baby cup, jewelry, a picture frame or a cutlery set. There are many other items, though, that can be personalized that you may not have even thought of.

A baby blanket with the baby's birth date and name embroidered on it is not only a wonderful keepsake for both mother and baby, but if you do it yourself then the gift is just that much more special.

If you like the idea of giving some personalized jewelry, consider purchasing a matching item for the mother-to-be. A bracelet for mom with baby's name on it will let her have her precious one near her all the time.

If you are a very talented person, you may want to consider knitting a little baby sweater and hat for that special delivery. Handmade gifts always make any present so much more special because they show how much you care. And a little sweater and hat will come in handy for those chilly fall days.

A Little Bit Different

Perhaps you have been searching high and low for a gift that is more unique than a baby jumper (not that there is anything wrong with baby jumpers � they can be quite handy gifts, too). Have you considered purchasing an infant massage kit? Mom can learn to soothe her baby through the power of touch while bonding with her baby.

To really help keep the baby calm, you could also consider giving a stuffed toy or blanket that has a small box with heartbeat sounds embedded in it. You could also look for one that has sounds from nature in addition to the heartbeat sounds.

To help remind mom of just how little her little one once was, a baby hand print kit can make a wonderful present.

Or, to help keep the memories flowing years from now, consider booking a photo session with a professional photographer for mom and baby. While all parents like to take pictures of their children, it's always nice to have some with both parents and children in it.

If you like the idea of personalizing items, then consider creating a personalized room plaque for the baby. This is a great item that can stay with the baby as they grow up.

To help encourage reading with the baby, you could also personalize a tote bag and fill it with books. Maybe you would like to include books for a variety of ages so that the gift can grow with the baby. Why not get her a subscription to a baby magazine (some are even free for the first year) so she can start learning some helpful parenting tips. Or, in keeping with this theme, set your favorite mom-to-be up with a gift that will carry her into the future. This incredibly easy potty training guide will ensure both mom and baby are well-prepared for the future!

Group Gifts

There's no doubt that some baby items can be a bit pricey, not just for gift givers, but for parents too. To help out the expectant parents, you might want to consider purchasing a gift together with some friends. This will allow you to purchase a more expensive item without breaking the bank.

Some useful but expensive gifts include a stroller, crib, rocking chair for the nursery, bassinet and changing table. A particularly wonderful group gift idea is to buy a beautiful bassinet and have all the individual party attendees contribute one or two items to fill up the bassinet and transform it into a gift basket! Smaller gifts, such as baby monitors are great to include in gift baskets.

Another very practical gift is an electric breast pump. The Medela portable pump makes an ideal gift, especially for nursing moms on the go. It comes with a stylized shoulder bag and includes three cooling elements and insulated compartments for storing milk. If you are really into practical gift giving, why not send mom a healthy supply of disposable diapers? You can even go through a home delivery service which will bring the diapers right to her doorstep for free!

One very handy gift that most people probably won�t think of is housecleaning services. Look into buying a few months' worth so the new mom can spend more time focusing on the new baby.

Themes and Other Things

If there is a theme to the party, for instance a nursery rhyme theme, you may want to consider giving something in line with the theme. Many children's items can easily be suited to a variety of themes. Baby dish sets can make a beautiful gift, especially when they are adorned with characters from a nursery rhyme or classic children's tale, like Peter Rabbit.

While many people tend to shy away from them, gift certificates are actually very useful gifts. Sure, they may not seem like a lot since they are just little pieces of paper. But giving a mom-to-be a gift certificate to a baby store will help ensure that she gets exactly what she wants for her child.

Unique Gift Baskets

A gift basket is also a great idea and can be purchased ready-made or made-to-order. Alternatively, you could put together your own basket with any items that you would like to the mom-to-be to have. Some great ideas to fill a basket include clothes, blankets, burping cloths, bibs and toys. The great thing about putting together your own basket is that you can make sure the items are exactly what you want and that they fit your budget. So splash out on that fancy bib because you can always buy a not-so-expensive baby jumper.

To make the gift basket a bit more unique, you might consider presenting the gift in a more original manner. Some people choose to load up an infant car seat or wagon or even balance their gifts on the back of a rocking horse. Another option is a diaper cake. While this may not sound too appealing, it is actually a fantastic way of presenting gifts. It can also dress up useful gifts that otherwise might not seem so exciting, like diapers.

If you've decided to give a gift basket, you might want to consider giving one that is just for mom in addition to the baby gift basket. For mom's basket, you could enclose some chocolates, or a bottle of wine or gourmet coffee if she'

s feeling depraved after all these alcohol-free and caffeine-free months. You might also want to include some homemade gift certificates for your free baby-sitting service. This will give mom at least one night to enjoy all those goodies in the basket.  Bath soaps and creams are also nice to include and will make her feel pampered.

In fact, gifts that pamper are ideal for exhausted and often overwhelmed new mothers. Both mom and her newborn will enjoy all-natural soaps, soothing aromatherapy balms and relaxing milk baths! If she is worried about the typical body changes that come along with pregnancy (i.e. stretch marks), then spoil her with some luxurious creams.

If the expectant mom already has children, you might want to consider giving them a small gift as well, so that they don't feel left out. No need to stir up sibling rivalry before one of the siblings is even born.

Add some humor to the shower with a joke gift. This can be suited to either the new mom or dad. A diaper changing set complete with nose plug, goggles, hand gloves and an apron is sure to put a smile on everyone's face. And who knows; it may just come in handy one day!

Shower Gift Registry

Some parents decide that they would like to register for gifts. In this case your job might be a bit easier since you no longer have to think of what the parents might need. Most likely, the name of the store where they are registered will be included in the invitation to the shower. Or you can always ask the hostess of the shower whether or not the mom-to-be is registered somewhere.

The benefit of a gift registry is that it's easier to find something in your price range (assuming no one else has gotten to that list first). Plus, you know that the expectant mom won't be receiving two of the exact same bed sheets. But not every guest likes a registry. If you are one of these guests, don't worry � it's okay to buy something that's not on the list. The most important thing is that you give what you want the baby to have.


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