Tucker John Is FINALLY Here My Trauma Is Over

4 Replies
missmillissa - June 27

1 week past due with my blood pressure getting higher and higher and my Dr., Husband and myself decide to give cervidil a try as I have not yet dilated, just softened a bit. Went in to the hospital at around 11:00 a.m on Friday 6/20. Started some pretty serious contractions later in the afternoon and was informed I was in for the night so they could monitor bp and see how I progressed. BP stabilized eventually so they sent me home at noon the next day. Contractions continued to get more painful so we called the birth center Sunday evening and was told to come in so they could see how dilated I was. After discovering I was still only a fingertip - sent home on Sunday evening as well. FINALLY - Monday they were SO unbearable that we called my doc and she said come in the office and we can see how far I had progressed. Guess what - still a fingertip. Once they saw how much pain I was in they wheeled me right over to the hospital and there I was again in the same room even. My intention was a natural birth so I spent a lot of time laboring in the tub but much to my dismay our little one was OP so I felt like I was being paralyzed with each contraction. Oh and I learned that I have some PIPES (this girl can yell!) FINALLY - Tuesday at noon I was informed that I was fully dilated - there was just a small lip that I could push through and most of my water had broken so my pushing would help complete that as well. OH - have I mentioned that our little one wouldn't descend? Oh yes - he was at a neg 2 or 3 this whole time. After 3 hours of pushing I was done. I spoke with the doctor and let her know that something wasn't right as my baby wasn't descending AT ALL. So I went from a natural childbirth to a C-section and am completely thrilled I did as we discovered he had a true knot in his umbilical cord. This was causing the poor positioning and also the lack of descent. WE WERE SO LUCKY that nothing went wrong and can I just tell you that after a little morphine everything felt just fine :) SO - at 5:23 p.m. on June 24th, 2008 - Tucker John Riffle was born into this great world and is absolutely perfect. I hope you all enjoyed my story - I love reading the labor posts.


stefkay - June 27

Congratulations! Wow, that was a drawn out process :) I'm glad to hear everything turned out wonderfully! Can I ask, did they not notice any distress to the baby or deceleration in heart or anything during the labor that indicated the knot? I just worry about that scenario and always thought that was something they would know about early on (did you have an u/s or anything that would have shown it?).


missmillissa - June 27

Thanks stef! The little guy wasn't under any distress but they mentioned after that there had been 2 decelerations noted. I think they only way they can see a knot in the cord is on 4D ultrasound - which I didn't have as it's not necessary. They did tell me that "True Knots" are quite rare so I don't think anyone needs to worry about it. :)


bellybubble - June 27

CONGRATULATIONS! You are one strong woman to get through that drawn out labour!! I am so happy your little man is doing great and so are you! :) x


missmillissa - June 30

thanks Belly! i never realized how large my vocabulary of swear words was until this time! what is so great about going through the labor process - now I will compare all other pain to that contraction pain!



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