What Is Everyones Week Measurements
5 Replies
I am 36.5 weeks and ft/50%, -1. I just figured out what all of that meant (thanks to this forum) and now I am curious of other peoples measurements.
Hey there..I am 37 weeks...3.5cm and 60% effaced...and waiting with baited breath!
At my last appt i was 37weeks and 1cm and 50% effaced... so it looks like we so far are similar!!! I go today and hopefully being 38 weeks it will have changed... aren't we all just hopeful!
at 36 weeks about 60% effaced, 2 dilated dont know what station but I know she's not engaged and she already weighs over 7 lbs!
i'm 38 wks... 3cm... +2... 55% effaced... and as ready as i'll ever be...lol
I had my appt yesterday and i had changed SOME! I went from 1cm to 2cm dilated and from 50% effaced to 80% effaced... so i'm excited about that... we'll see what week 39 brings!!! I am hoping even bigger changes if not a baby by then!!! =) It is cool to see where everyone is measuring at....