October Mommies We Re Getting Closer

435 Replies
Saird - September 11

I cannot get over the kickboxing thing! Way to go! I can barely go shopping! ANd as for measuring small, well I am measuring like 4-5 weeks ahead and have already measured 40 a week ago. SO go figure. I agree, when everyone is a different weight and height to begin with, how can you measure by belly? It seems ridiculous. I don't eat junk food often, but man could I go for a blizzard right now! Last week I had to have cheesecake, and two days ago I baked a strawberry rhubarb pie and besides two peices, ate the whole thing myself! Oops.


JNFR614 - September 11

Beka- do you have myspace or facebook? Several of us have accounts & it is fun to see pics of everyone w/ their families & cute bellies & feel like you are not talking & venting to complete strangers, it sorta makes our connection w/ each other closer. ANGEL- I'M SO JEALOUS!!!! LOL- I WANNA BE NEXT, HAHA.


joey - September 11

gosh i go away for a day and there are so many new posts!! ok i am confused....did angel post somewhere she had her baby? how exciting! boy or girl? I want dets!!!


MissP - September 11

Hi girls! wow so much is happening. I feel like im missing out, i must try to log in every day. Congrats Angel, altho i havent read your story anywhere either. Is it on th third tri board? So i had another scan today and the upshot is, im going to be having him in about a weeks time! I have another scan on weds and then theyll decide when and how - either inducing or c-sec, not sure which. My fluid is really low now and placenta dosnt look good, so its for the best. He was measuring 38weeks on the scan altho im 36wks 4days, so hes still going to be a good size even if hes 2-3wks early. And hes going to be a sept baby!!! I feel quite excited and happy that hes going to b here soon, but scared about the possibility of being induced, because i know it can be very unpleasant. Anyone got any experiences for me? Would love any advice you girls hav. Ok, well il check in tomorrow - lets hope we all have a decent nights sleep eh? No peeing constantly, rib pain and lower back ache. Oh yeah and the 'head between legs' weird as feeling x x x


JNFR614 - September 11

Joey- yes, Angel posted on the 3rd tri board under "one month early"


joeby321 - September 11

Hey MissP- do you mind me asking if you know what your fluid level is? The reason I am asking is last week I went to my Perinatologist and they measured my Amniotic Fluid Level and said it was low. So today they had me go in for my first Fetal Monitoring and another ultrasound to check it again and they said now it is lower and I have to start going in twice a week. They also said if I don't start drinking more that they will hospitalize me for fluids. I am already scheduled to deliver our son early at 37 weeks (I am now 30 weeks,2 days) but I am starting to worry they are going to want to take him even earlier if I can't get my levels up. They also said that baby is measuring pretty much on target and now weighs exactly 3lbs. Any advice would be helpful. Thanks and good luck!


Saird - September 11

What is your due date Joey? Angel posted that she had her baby but not the birth story. Yet. Hopefully she will. MissP, wow so soon! You must be excited to meet the little guy! For my first I was induced, it was horrible, (hey you asked!) They broke my water in the morning and then they started me on pitocin, which makes really nasty contractions compared to natural ones is what I'm told. Anyway, the hospital I was at didn't offer epidurals at the time and it was brutal. After 20 some hours I ended up with a c-section. Didn't want to scare you but you asked for stories! On the other hand I had a friend who was just induced at 38 weeks due to high blood pressure and she had her baby super quick and said it was fine. There is no straightforward answer, of course. Sounds like you may be next anyway! Good luck!


joeby321 - September 12

my due date is November 18th but I am already scheduled for a C-Section on October 28th.. even though my Perinatologist says I will be lucky to even carry that long.


beka81 - September 12

Wow Joey, the docs already know when you're going!? I truly believe that we have the ability to carry these little ones as far as they need. Have faith- everything wil be fine! And make sure you listen to the docs. What really annoys me is when people around you start questioning things you do if even the slightest thing goes wrong. Even if you don't gain "enough" weight (my case) people think they have the right to start judging you. I am 33 weeks today and gained only about 17lbs....what p__ses me off is that they don't realize i have 7 weeks left and so much weight gain happens NOW! the NERVEEEEEEEEE! Jnfr, I dont have any account but i will be creating a facebook account so i wil let you know when i do! that's a great idea!


sdmommy - September 12

I was induced with my second child 10 days early (due to size-- he was still 9.12 tho). It wasnt so bad. I also had an epideral as well and that makes all the difference in the world. I had my daughter natural ( she was 8.10) and I dont think theres enough money in the world someone could offer to get me to that again. I go in for my last u/s on Thursday to see the size of this one and decide the next step. Im a little nervous just because I really dont want a c/s if we wait and shes too big for a vag delivery. I heard the recovery time is long and I already have 2 to manage. I cant afford to be laid up for 2 weeks. My son can tear my house apart in 2 HOURS! So if she is big then we will induce again but if she isnt like her brother then we may wait BUT my DR just informed me that she will be on vacation starting on the 23rd and wouldnt be back till after my due date. So she sd that if we have the u/s on the 18th then there is still time to squeeze in an induction before she leaves. I have mixed feelings about that statement.?.? 1 feeling is--Since when did DR's start to plan the miracle of birth around a vaca & 2-- I feel like yeah I dont have to wait its almost over sooner than I thought. Any thoughts on this? The worst part is, we have no family around here at all! We moved to the midwest from the east coast last year. Anyways, back to the pitocin.... it wasnt so bad for me but everyone has different experiences.


angelhdfd - September 12

Hi guys dont worry you will have ur turn and wen u do it will be amazin!


britt_m - September 12

Congrats ANGEL!!! Had my appt yesterday, at a full 2cm, 50% effaced baby popped back up to a -2 station, my plug is completely gone and she goes straight to my bag of water. She gave me all the paperwork and they won't try and stop labor now (34 weeks), no turb or steriods. Tho I feel so comfused sometimes, it feels like I'll go soon, like I go nuts with nesting, have sooo much pressure and cervix pain some contractions, then the next day I'll be tired from not sleeping and it'll feel like soon but another few weeks kinda soon. Negative GBS this time they'll test again at my next appt but if its still neg I won't have to have penecillan again, yay! One less drug! I wasn't induced with my daughter, but the contractions weren't getting stronger fast enough for them so they gave me pitocin, horrible horrible thing!!! It was awful, DH just got off 24 hour duty and hadn't slept and it was the third day as I spent the night at the hospital so he was zonked in a chair I couldn't get loud enough to budge him, so I beeped the nurse and said epidural!! I asked for the lowest dose, which I was still hurting after that, I pushed the b___ton about 20x during each contraction, it never seemed to relieve the pain that much tho, haha! I really hope this time I have no pitocin, I know I could have done it if they would have let it gradually build up pain-wise. BEKA - I've also gained 17lbs so far, 8 pounds in the last 3 weeks!!, I had lost a little before that tho. I started drinking whole milk with the carnation instant breakfast mix in it, love the vanilla. It just adds flavoring and vitamins and stuff. I got it for my daughter and now I usually have some when I wake at night, ahh the cravings! But I think thats why I gained some weight. SDMOMMY - We also have no family, moved from FL to North Carolina (got married) then to San Diego. We're both from the midwest tho. With DH deploying possibly even before the baby is born, I tried to get someone to fly out, but no one can afford it! Sometimes it just sucks!


Saird - September 12

Angel you're killing us with these one liners! ( I know, I know, you're busy LOL) How are you doing though? Are you nursing? When you have time give us the details! Well Britt, sounds like you may not be too far off either. My mom bought me the coolest diaper bag today. It's chocolate brown and matches my stroller and carseat, I love it.


JNFR614 - September 12

Had my 35 week appt. today- cervix is still thick & closed- bummer! I had my induction scheduled today, so I guess that's a plus- it's officially October 8th. I also have to go to the dr. weekly now, it's getting close, I can't wait! Last night was horrible once again- I was exausted & all I wanted to do was fall asleep, but couldn't b/c of the back pain, I wish it was the normal throbbing type of back pain, cause I can deal w/ that & manage to fall asleep, instead it is always a burning sensation on my right side about where my ribs are. I just laid there for about an hr. crying until my body had completely exausted itself & fell asleep. Is anyone else experiencing this & if so have you found any relief? I also heard that baby girls are harder to carry than boys- I definately don't recall being this uncomfortable w/ my son- is there any truth to this?


angelhdfd - September 12

everythings good we formula feed cos i take medicine. but i think she has her days n nights mixed up. Everythings going good other than that she doesnt cry much..for now..shes a really good baby.!


angelhdfd - September 12

birth story on one month early thread check it out!



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