Sippy Cup Help

20 Replies
C - June 19

At 7 months I only gave him a sippy cup with meals. I took the bottle away at about 14 months. He was still wanting the bottle but after a week he stopped crying for it. It was a very hard week. I agree that 7 months is a little young to worry about it. Honestly I would have given my son his bottle back if he seemed overly stressed. It's not like they'll be wanting a bottle forever. They grow so fast!!


jwhite - June 28

Everyone she is just trying to introduce it right now not wean the poor baby yet... Please read... I think it is better to introduce it early so that when it is time to wean off, which in my opinion should not be much after 12 months, it won't be that hard, hopefully... IMO


momma3tobe - June 28

I wouldn't put too much pressure on him... he won't be drinking from a bottle at 5 or anything. Just put something he likes in a sippy cup, like juice or whatever and give it to him everyday and then don't sweat it... he will eventually get curious and try it out. Both mine weren't totally off the bottle until 9 months and it just kind of happened slowly.


Victoria_1985 - June 28

I agree with jwhite! I don't think 7 months is too young for a sippy cup. My dd is almost a year and has had her sippy cup since she was 5 months old, she didn't really start drinking out of it till 7 months. She now drinks everything out of her cup except her night bottle. She knows she has to tip the cup to get the bottom liquid out, I think she thinks she's a big girl when she drinks out of her sippy cup. My suggestion, keep the cup around when your playing with him, when mommy has a drink see if he wants a drink, he'll get the idea in no time!


tryingx3 - June 29

We introduced a sippy around 6 months when my dd was sick with stomach flu - it was the only way I could get liquid in her. I used a Take N Toss brand and was able to "squirt" pedialyte into her mouth. She eventually started to suck on the sippy - it was free flow, no valve. I would just offer it to her when giving her solids and squirt a little water into her mouth until she figured out sucking good. We transitioned to the Gerber Transitional Cup without the valve around 8 months and now at 9 months with the valve she no longer uses a bottle. She never liked a bottle, so I don't think there was any love lost!



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