Over on the "Twins and Multiples " board, there is a thread of questioning t_tled "Want Multiples?" In that thread, which asks women why they want multiples, this response was given: " Name: nobody special | Date: September 21, 2005, 21:51
Answer: i want twins because i have always wanted 3 kids. we have 1 and my husband says no more kids. so, i got clomid off the internet without my husband knowing, and i hope to get pregnant with twins by "accident". this way i get what i want and my husband will learn to accept it. " So guys, what are your thoughts on this???
bad decision even though she is probably right about him living with it possibly even in a good way but I think if she thinks that doing such a thing is going to make her relationship a beautiful thing she is probably wrong very wrong heck he might even love the child more than his first (not right a way but eventually ) I think he'll build some kind of wall between himself and his wife .
I have to admit to being quite surprised that only one man has commented on this.... or are more women as horribly manipulative as this one then I thought? Do men just expect to be treated like children, no right to make any decisions? It b__ws my mind.... how can you have a happy, healthy marriage/family if it is all based on lies and dishonesty?
| Joe - September 29 |
That's true, mama-bean, but what can you do? I'm not speaking for all men, but let's face it, not all of us are into questioning our wives in what medications they are taking - if I see my wife take something that looks like a vitamin, I'm not gonna question her. Nor would anyone else. What you are talking about is deception. She is being manipulative to get what she wants regardless of her mans feelings. If she is that calous in not considering his feelings, she shouldn't be married or a mother. That's my opinion.
| l - September 30 |
I agree totally with joe and by the way I am a women.
I cant believe that women will do that. I am a woman myself, with an almost 7 month old. If you want a certain amout of children, you need to discuss that with your partner BEFORE getting married. If you two dont agree, I suggest findong someone who will meet your reproducing needs.
thank you all for your replies! Yes, unfortunately, I am seeing a LOT of spousal deception over on the Multiples board. sad.