Any Way To Progress Your Station
6 Replies
I am 2 cm and 20% effaced as of tuesday last, I am at -2 station, and was wondering if there were any exercises I could do that would speed up the station I am at, because I know once that is lower the rest will come quick. I was just wondering, as I have been having a lot of back ache and BH contractions and just want to baby out...i'm 38w6d today.
I bounced on an Excersise ball and she seemed to get a lot lower since my visit to the doc last week. She was already pretty low (not sure what station) But my doc said she is super low and was surprised I hadnt dialated anymore. I would try the ball. It seemed to have worked for me.
walking, walking and more walking.
both of these ladies have the best advice! the ball is very helpful and soothing. if you choose to walk go to a mall or somwhere airconditioned (if you live in a warm climate-i am in florida!)or go outside and enjoy some fall air. Good luck!
have s_x and then walk after wards. I did this and the next day the baby was born. My doc told me that the sperm softens the cervix and then the walking after s_x is supposed to furthur the softening.
Also I was told by my doctor when i was over due with both my babies to go on all fours everyday for about 15 minutes , seemed to work for me ! And of course s_x and walking are excellent aswell . GL!
My baby was 3/5's palpable on the Wednesday, bought a gym ball, went on it twice i think and i had her on the Sunday morning! I think the ball encouraged her down further which then sped the rest up. But then my TV exploded the night she popped out so she may have got a wee fright and decided to come out :o)