Anyone Having A Homebirth
18 Replies
i was planning to have a home birth but im not sure weather i will be now.. im 35 weeks and u have 2 be 37 before u can have a home birth and i have been having really bad tightnings and cramps for the past 3 days..
hopefully he can hold out for a couple more weeks!
Homebirthqueen. I am not PG yet although my DH and I are tring. This will be my 3 PG. My first was when I was 14yrs old and with no Prenatal care I delivered a girl @26 weeks.Six months later I was pg again. At 15 I gave birth to a 42 week baby . I was on bed rest from 26 weeks on( on a note though I never followed it! to busy with my other child!). I was just wondering if I should even think about homebirth. I heard maybe I should not because of me being on bed rest. But I think It was due to my age and the stress of my b/f leaving me a 26weeks. what do you think?
I'm in Australia an am having a homebirth this time around. There is a Community Midwifery Service here and organising it has been a breeze. This is my fourth baby, with each labour being faster, the last one 45 min in the car, which is why I have opted for a homebirth. my DH joked about candles and incense and things like that for ages when he found out my intentions,then he realised I was serious and was sticking to my decision and he was really worried about wht would happen, if anything would go wrong that I'd never forgive myself. I do think that often though, and hope that things will be ok. I'm 32 weeks now, and thingshave been going smooth. He works an hour away, and thiks he'll miss the birth if I go into labour during the day. I said I could have a 12 hour labour, the opposite of the never know. Because it is the first time at home for me, I am getting very nervous, about where and when (I'm not leaving the house for two weeks before!) and worry about going into labour with my three kids around. The experience with my last baby was very scary for me and I don't want to go through it again, so the midwives will come to me! I honestly don't feel 100% comfortable with the idea for some reason, I can't tell you why, but eeryone from friends to my doctor and midwives agree I'm doing the right thing. There are two hospitals 20 minutes away if necessary, the back up hospital is probably closer to 40 minutes away if there was time. Our home is so small and I wonder if I can pull it off. I've never had any complications during labour, only midwife and student nurse presen actually, so no problems - just quick labours. As my DH does, I worry about something happening that they won't be able to take car of in the home that they would in a hospital. Just because it's been ok thre times doesn't mean it'llbe ok the fourth time, you know? It's been sitting in the back of my mind since I found out I was pregnant and as time gets closer it gets a lttle bigger. I worry too much perhaps. The dash to the hospital last time was pure hell, I don't want to try to get there again. Do YOU think I'm doing the right thing? I'm 32 weeks now and have gone through the whole midwifery program since 13 weeks....