h__lo! im 38 weeks and 4 days pregnant! im a young mom and a first time mom. and im very confused on somethings going on! My baby has dropped to 0.. i am 90% effaced.. and 1.5 cenimeters dialated!! i have been having contractions for over 24 hours.. that are every 4 minutes and that are not stopping! they are very painful.. im having horrible back pains. and ALOT of pressure! my legs are also in alot of pain!. i went to the hospital and they sent me home and said they werent going to do nething to help speed up labor! does anyone have any suggestions or think maybe i might be in labor soon?? i really need help.. and ive been researching for weeks.. and i still cant find the answers i need!! HELP!!
By the sounds of things you're already in early stages of labor, but most hospitals wont keep you until you're around 3 cm dialated. If you can, walk walk walk. They say that's excellent for speeding up labor as the pressure from the baby's head will help dialate your cervix.
Walk as much as you can, or try to have an orgasm. Good Luck
YIKES Sorry but I have to say it may be hard for her to orgasm in between contractions every 4 minutes apart.....................could you imagine? LOL. Anyway, walking is good advice.
Take the advice from the other girls..WAAAALK! I was 40 weeks pregnant, and didnt ever think my little guy was going to come out. My husband and I went to this battleship tour and we walked around for 5 hours.. That night, i was in labor. 8 hours later, i had him <3