I am 39 weeks pregnant, at my last docs apt. he told me I was 3-4 cm dilated and since I have been elated to know its almost over. However I keep getting little contractions or cramping and sharp twinges in my lower rectal area. Which they say is the start of labor. And I am positive my mucous plug fell out. But I am still having nothing more than that and I am ready to lose it because I am so big and so uncomfortable its unreal. Anyone Know of any methods of home incudtion I can use?
My suggestion is castor oil......6 hours later I was in labor. I was at 3 cm for 2 weeks and couldn't take it anymore. I just sipped a tablespoon of castor oil (and yes, it is HORRIBLE tasting) and I had my little girl that day. Good luck!
s_x baby! The orgasm and the proglastins in the s____n will help get the cervix even more ready and you're so far already!! Also,maybe walking, especially going up a few flights of stairs (not easy at this point) has been known to kickstart stuff. I am 40 weeks and getting even more impatient each pa__sing day!
I am 4 days overdue and I have tried EVERYTHING from herbs to castor oil, from walking to s_x, I even tried hopping up and down the stairs, I too have been dilated 2cm for 3 weeks and nothing seems to be working... plus I have been in false labour since March 22, you want uncomfortable... If anyone knows of something way out there that works,,, PLEASE let us all in on the secret.
wow in england if your 3 cms dialated your addmitted to the labour suite and helped along lol (if wanted, and who wouldnt?) x you poor gals x