Still Pregnant Any Thoughts
3 Replies
I posted a couple days ago "Is it Labor" about contractions that were regular. I decided to wait it out and not call. They seemed to slow down a bit, but last night and today they are back. The biggest thing now is the back pain...right over my tailbone. I am still tightening at least every ten minutes (sometimes closer). Has this happened to anyone else? If so was it false labor or the real thing? I have an appointment tomorrow and hope to find out something. He said I was "pretty thin" two weeks ago, but closed.
I'm 34 weeks and this is my third baby.
I was 5 cm with my first without knowing it and 6 cm with my second without knowing it (both times labor was discovered at regular Dr. apointments-I wasn't really in pain).
So I just got back from the doctor I am almost 2 cm dilated and 90% effaced. So those contractions have been changing things.
They went ahead and did my GBS test today and now I just wait. I go again next Friday.
I know there is no real way to tell, but any guesses on how much longer I'll have? I was thinking maybe a solid week?
There is really no way to know. There was a June mommy, having her 2nd baby, who went 2 weeks overdue and she was 5cm and 90%! I will be 39 weeks on thursday and will be getting induced that morning. I am 2cm, very soft, and all my OB would say was that I was "a little bit" effaced. He couldn't even give me a percentage. This was last thursday.