Stripping Of The Membranes
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Hey everyone- I'm almost 38 weeks with my second child. (With my first, my water broke at 3:45 in the morning on his due date and had him 12 hours later.) So, I Went to the Dr. Monday 11/26 (37w3d) for my weekly checkup and thought I was getting a regular exam to see how far dilated/effaced I was (she said I'm 2cm now). I thought my Dr. was digging for gold and I was writhing and moaning with pain- all she said was I will most likely be spotting after the exam I just had. So- after reading all these postings, I have no doubt she must have stripped my membranes. I'm pretty p__sed she didn't explain anything or even ask if I wanted that done. Any thoughts of how to handle that?
Anyhow, I lost my part of my mucous plug at 35w2d and it had a partially dried "rubber cement" consistency. Yesterday, (11/28) I discharged a ton of beige mucous that was a gross thick snot-like consistency and it's still going... Is this a result from the membranes being stripped, or has anyone else had this happen at this stage. I didn't experience any of this with my first pregnancy. Also, for a couple of weeks, I've had these stabbing pains where I would imagine my cervix to be. Don't know if it's my cervix changing b/c it really only happens when the baby is turning and shifting. I've mentioned it to my Dr.'s my last two appointments and they really had nothing to say...Should I be switching OB/GYNs for any subsequent children? Either way, they don't lie when they say every pregnancy is different!
My doctor stripped my membranes on Monday. I was 391/2 weeks preg. 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced. He was convinced that I would go into labor within 24 hours but it didn't work. Im still pregnant and past my due date.. I would suggest it though. Its defintly better to get it going by itself instead of being induced later
i am 2 days overdue the doc stripped my mebranes today so heres hoping!!! with my belly mesuring a whopping 43 iam so tired if it doesnt work they r inducing me on monday i am haviing contractions irregular and dialated to 2 cm
They want to strip my membrane too, i am 4 cm, 50% and -2 station. Will it put me in labor?
Hi Zoe...I have 5 children and with all of them I have had my membranes stripped...with the first 4 children after they stripped my membranes I went into labor within 24hrs with them...and then the last child after having my membranes stripped I didnt go into labor for 4 days...It does feel uncomfortable while they do it...but worth it...hope that helps some..I feel its a very positive thing to do
i would highly recommend getting your membranes stripped i did at like 915 am and walked around the mall at 2 am the next morning my water broke at 905am was ready to go had my son at 10 05 am only 8 hours labor and omg love the epidural!!!!!!
I had my membranes stripped with my last baby and give birth 24 hours later - I don't think that was why because I ultimately was given pitocin but it gave me strong enough contractions to get me admitted into the hospital. I was 40 weeks
I am 36 wks 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced, is there any reason why my doc wouldn't strip my membranes???
My doctor didn't even offer it until my 38th week appt. She did it and later, I had some mild cramping, but no baby. Yesterday, had it done by a male doctor. Let me tell you, I almost came up off that table! I have been contracting since, just waiting for them to get closer together. I was 5cm, 75%effaced yesterday. I am due Saturday, so we will see!!!
I went in for a regular visit and I was 2 days away from my due date. My doctor said I was about 1.5 or 2 cm dialated, but that I wasn't going to go into labor for a while. She said she would induce in a few days (after the weekend). She said she would strip my membranes and see if I would dialate more before she induced. It hurt and about 6 hours later that nite I was in labor....I guess it works....
i was a week past my due date and was DESPERATE to have this baby. my dr had been suggesting stripping membranes a few weeks prior to my due date--which i didn't want at all. when he finally did strip them, he commented that there wasn't much left to strip as i had been dialated at least 2cm (if i'm remembering correctly) for a couple weeks. i'm happy to report i went into labor within two hours and delivered my baby nine hours later. who knows if it's the actual stripping membranes or if it's just TIME--especially when you're overdue, but when you're desperate, i say DO IT! oh, and it wasn't painful as i'd heard. maybe b/c this was my second child... it felt the same when he had checked to see how dialated i was. to all those that are overdue, just remember, that baby WILL come. it's amazing how psychologically messed up you can get when you're overdue!!
Hi i'm on my 4th boy and sitting at 38 wks last wk i was 3-4cm dialated so she stripped me and nothing than i went in on monday at almost 5cm dialated she gave me a good one and it has done nothing sitting here 4 days later i did spot and have some cramping that evening but thats it.It did work with my last boy though she did it once did'nt hurt or feel anything than and my water broke the next morning.The other 2 boys i took castrol oil and i went into labour about 4 hours later and with my second exactly 12 hours after taking it my water broke,thinking of trying it with this one but if stripping twice did'nt do it for me don't think the oil will and it's nasty too take for nothing..
im 38 weeks, 39 on friday. its tuesday. im at a 2 and not sure how effaced i know im at least 20 percent effaced. i had my membraned stripped yesterday and before that i had no contractions only cramping. after i had contractions but not enough to go in only like 5 yesterday and like 4 today. im so angry my doc thinks that i shud go on my own but i feel like this kid will never come out lol.
Ok so I'm 37 weeks and 2 days pregnant and dialated to 3. Next Friday my doctor is going to strip my membranes....what will this do? I am in a lot of pain and am really excited.
Hello I'm a 26 year old Mother of 2 with another baby due in May 2011. My first child ( Ana, Dec. 6th 2008 ) was delivered by C-Section. It wasn't the easiest of recoveries. I will admit it hurt. Then I had a baby boy ( Jerald, April 10th 2010 ) by natural birth. I'll tell you what natural birth is the easiest birth ever. I walked out of the hospital with hardly any pain. My membranes were also pulled during that pregnancy at 38 weeks and within 24 hours I was in labor. If your Doctor is suggesting to pull the membranes and you as the mother are tired of carring the baby, I highly suggest it. I had bad back pain in both my pregnancies. I'm now currently pregnant again. I'm due May 2011. So as of right now I'm 27 weeks pregnant and if my OB lets me, I'm having the membranes pulled out again. I suggest it to any mother who is having a hard time with Pregnancy.