A Question For Every Mommy
6 Replies
how many of you have a natural dilation process with no pain?
AAHHHH! I only ever got to 1/2 cm. after 24 hours and a lot of pain.
me! i dilated to a 5 with no pain. i was at a 2 for a month. then at a 3 for 3 days. then my waterbroke and i went to the hospital and i was at a 4. by the time i got to my room (10 min later) i was a 5. Then the pain began!
I was 3 cm dialted when i arived at the hosital with my daughter. I honestly didnt know i was in labor till my water broke. I had mild period like cramping and pressure in my pelvis and back, but at that point i was used to all the aches and pains of pregnancy and didnt pay it much attention.
i was 7cm dilated when i went to hospital with period like cramps and suspected broken waters. I had no idea!!!
Oh geez, you crazy ladies (LOL)!!!! I am at a 2, but I know once I get induced tomorrow, the pain will start.
i was at 2cm when i went to the hospital and 3/4 hours later i was at 3.. and i dialated from 3cm to 9 in less then 5 minutes. i had normal contraction while at home and the hospital ended up breaking my water.