Baby Movement-pg111870907418
4 Replies
just wondering if its normal to have lots of movement from baby @ 38 weeks 90%effaced and dilated 1. The baby is very active i thought they slowed down before labor.
I'm 38 1/2 weeks and dialated 2 1/2 centimeters and my baby moves around all the time also so i donno.
I wish my baby moved around all the time cause I'm getting worried. I'm 40 weeks now and feel him push out on my belly sometimes, but no more kicks.
I am 37 1/2 weeks dialated to 2 centimeters and 90% effaced. I have noticed that my baby has slowed down some with movements, but they just feel more like rolls than kicks.
The morning my water broke, my baby was moving SOO very much and I had him three hours later.