Being Induced-pg113336806318
8 Replies
hi, im booked in to be induced (with gel) on Friday morning and im really worried. Ive heard it hurts more than going into labour naturally. Can anyone share their experiences?
I'm also being induced Friday morning and wondering the same thing!!!
I had the gel at 1am, went into labour at 3.30am - started labour fully dialated at the pushing stage and had bubby (ventouse extraction) at 5.30am. It was my first and it was SOOO intense. The woman in the room next door had gel the same time, had her waters broken at 8am and didn't have her bubby til later that afternoon and it was a milder labour. Its different for everybody. I know that's hard to hear when its your first and you just NEED TO KNOW.. but honestly its just gonna be how its gonna be. Very best of luck to you both.
I had Pitocin at 6 am... till 11:30 p.m ( had the night off) and started again at 6 the next morning... and was sent home at 8 that night because they needed the bed and baby wasn't stressed. Came back in 2 days later and at 6am got me some pitocin.... turned off at 11, slept till 5:30, more pitocin at 6 ( yes, this was my FOURTH day on pitocin) and finally, at 9 that night, was dialated to a 3 so they could break my water.. and I had my daughter at 1am, an hour and a half after finally getting an epidural and relaxing enough to dialate the rest of the way. Induction sucked for me, and I won't be agreeing to do so for my 2nd unless baby is in danger... I don't think it was necessarily more painful, but it was a HUGE pain in the a__s... as in, I was hooked up to machines and that made it hard to walk around.. couldn't get in the tub to labor because of all the monitors, spent 4 days contracting for no reason ( I could have done that for free at home!) and finally delivered when SHE was ready to come out.. I don't think the pit really did much.. it was breaking my water that really rushed things..they turned the pit off at 10, an hour after breaking my water, because I was contacting so hard.
thanks everyone, and good luck to the woman getting induced also.
| fay - December 6 |
I was induced on Thursday with my first child. They broke water at 8:00am, started pitocin at 10:30, had baby at 12:30. What intense contractions I had! Such back labor but it made me push fast and hard to get her out into the world! Only about 30 minutes of pushing. My friends all hate me for having such a quick labor. It was hard but glad to get it over with fast. Good luck!
I was induced with my first . they had me come in at 6pm on the 10.11 put gel on my cervix to help it ripen, said that they would break my waters at 6am to get some sleep, but my waters broke at 11.30 pm on it's own. Had pethidine, gas and epi. and had my lil boy in my arms by 3.10 am. but i'm from Australia so mite be diff.
just to let everyone know, had a baqby boy on the sat morning 10lb 80z!. first lot of gel didnt work so they tried again 6 hrs later and that one did the trick. being induced wasnt as bad as what i expected just a lot quicker contractions than with my first child but definately worth it.