Midwife Or Doctor For Delivery

4 Replies
B - September 9

I posted a similar thread under general pregnancy topics, but this is probably a better place to go with this type of question. I was wondering for those of you who have experienced delivery before......what were the hospital conditions like?? I dont like the idea of being in one of those hospital rooms, where the doctor is forcing me to lay on my back during labor, and telling me how and when I need to do everything. Do doctors allow you to move around during labor, take a shower if you feel like it, listen to calming music if needed, etc. These are not questions I want to bombard my Dr. with on the first visit, so I just want to hear from other women who have given birth before.....and what your experiences were like.


Suzanne - September 9

Midwife, definately. Unless you are sick or high-risk, then you would need a doctor. I honestly enjoyed both my labors and I look back on the experience fondly. I had a midwife and a doula. I don't know ANYONE who had a doctor who says they enjoyed labor, or had a positive labor experience. Check out my doula info on my website (am I allowed to link to my site? Please remove if this breaks any rules) http://www.pregnancy-leads-to-new-babies.com/doula.html My sister in law wanted the "safety" of a doctor so she found the most "midwifey" one she could find, who said all the right things and said music's ok, and all that. Then in the middle of her labor, the doctor comes and and my s-i-l was "toning" beautifully and handling the labor beautifully, and the dr tells her to BE QUIET! I kid you not. She ended up with an epidural; the doctor felt she was not progressing but even her nurse was trying to talk her out of it b/c she had only been in active labor for about 5 hours at this point. One other thing, doctors will say that yes, you can move around, but they will probably have you hooked up to monitors, an IV, and probably an epidural (the rate for primips is 90%) which will prevent you from doing so. Also see my article "The truth about labor". You may find it interesting: http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Truth-About-Labor-and-Childbirth&id=66552 Also, please do not hesitate to "bombard" your doctor with questions the first visit. HE is working for YOU. You are interviewing him (or her) for a job. You have the control. If he/she doesn't like you asjking questions, find another dr. And lastly, if you do go with a doctor, please, please, consider hiring a doula. You would never regret it. It is the best decision we made, and I could not have had natural chidbirth (twice) without her. All the best to you, Suzanne


B - September 9

Suzanne- thank you for such a detailed response. I find this very helpful. You basically reinforced what I thought would probably be the case. The only thing that worries me is that I live in such a small town...that I really dont know if I will have much of a choice. I live in North Carolina, and was informed that there are only 5 registered nurse midwives in the state. I guess I need to do a bit more research. thanks again for your help.


Suzanne - September 9

Hi B., Yes, your choice will be difficult because you only have 5 midwives in your area. Jeesh! That's awful! I live in Canada, and here in BC, midwives can deliver in the hospital, and are totally paid for by the govt. You see, our government figured out that by using midwives, women have far less intervention, which saves the govt money. In the US, hospitals and doctors MAKE tons (and I mean TONS) of money with all the intervention they do. (e.g. an epidural costs $500-$2500) I have more info on this on my website if you are interested in the politics of it all. Doctors see pregnancy as "What can go wrong" and midwives see it as a natural process a woman's body is made for. I found these online: Birth Choice Midwifery 7024 Queensberry Dr. Charlotte, NC 28226 704-542-9656 Mother & Child Midwifery 531 Neal Lane Chester, SC 29706 8035813150 Are they anywhere near you? You can always go and interview a midwife and see what she has to say. All the best to you! Will you keep me posted on how you are doing? Suzanne


C - September 9

I've had both and they pretty much let me do whatever I was able, except eat. I didn't get my natural birth with the midwife, which is why I went to her. She wanted to get things going faster. Typically you have better odds of your birth plan being followed with a midwife. I prefered the doctor, but only because my midwife didn't listen to me when I felt a problem durning labor and I didn't get my natural birth anyhow.



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