Naturally Inducing Labour

474 Replies
Sadaf - June 24

ok I'm really scared. I need some advice. I had a doc appointment today and I am due on sunday. She said that they will talk about inducing if I dont deliver 7 days after my due date. I have been having really bad cramps and have lost my mucus plug but no baby. I told her that my sister is getting married and I was wondering if they could induce me a little earlier than waiting until 7 days. I thought she would say no but she said OK!!! she scheduled me to go in on tuesday to get the gel and then if that doesn't work, on wednesday they will start the IV. I thought thats what I wanted but I'm so scared all of a sudden. I feel like I'm not ready to have the baby any more and that it can stay in there as long as it wants. Is this normal? Can i call off the induction now? Will they know I was lying if I don't call it off and they do end up inducing me? I know it was wrong to say that and the baby will come when it's ready but I wish now that I hadn't said anything to her. Somone please give me some advice. Please dont be mean or criticize. Thanks alot.


Emma-Jane - June 24

Sadaf, I told my doctor yesterday that my husband is leaving to work in a logging camp next week... not true, but I can't wait either. He said we'd "talk" about induction after I have a nonstress test monday. I am feeling that same as you right now, scared and unsure. Wether you get induced now or have the baby later, either way, you will be giving birth. So don't worry, it is totally normal to be scared and not matter what, it is going to hurt. But it will all be worth it it the end! Try not to stress, and get some rest because you're going to need it.


Nicole - June 25

Hi due june 27,someone had asked my location,Im in Brampton Ont. I was reading that now that the induction date is set you were quite scared, I was induced with my first child,and yes it is more painful but very rea__suring the baby is here the long wait is over so just relax and you will be fine. Ask for pain medication and it will go smoothly. Im still hoping to have the experience and excitement of natural labour but ready for the baby to come out! Good luck to all.


terri - June 25

try accupuncture or accupressure, that could help if having s_x does'nt. or go for a few laps at the local pool.


Nicole - June 25

Hi again,due june 27. Had strong contractions tonight went into hospital but they sent me home said im not ready yet. Im really starting to consider that castrol oil,something has gotta give here,Im hurting. Good luck to all,I'll keep in touch.


netta - June 27



Nicole - June 27

Hi Everyone,due today still nothing happening,too hot to go for a walk so im doing stairs in the house in the air conditioning! Gonna try some more s_x but so far nothing seems to be working. I'll keep in touch.


Melissa - June 27

Does anyone know about getting a pedicure / foot ma__sage? I was told that there are certain pressure points that when stimulated can help put you in labor. Anyone else have any thoughts on that?


Sue - June 28

Hi, I'm not due til the 3rd July. This is my 3rd baby my other 2 were big babies, 9lb4oz and 10lb6oz, so as you can imagine i am a little nervous. This baby measures 41weeks already.. I would like her to come sooner rather than later. Now to top it all, I seem to have gained a pile, not even pushed yet!! Good luck everyone x


Tclend - June 28

I am 36 weeks and measuring 2 weeks earlier(38). I go back to the Dr. tomorrow and see if anything has happened yet. My Dr. gave me the go ahead to try to induce myself next week, and she is inducing by week 38 if I haven't had baby yet. My second child was almost 9lbs. and since I am measuring so big with this one, she wants to take it before she gets too big. I am just glad I don't have to wait the full 40 weeks, I am alrady going crazy, I am sooo big and can't get comfortable and it is soo hot outside. There is a pressure point on your hand too, press hard and rub in circle motion between your thumb and pointer finger. Find that pressure point and rub 20 seconds or so at a time. I hope something works.


Heather - June 28

Blue and Black Cohosh worked for me twice!!


Heather - June 29

Well, for those of you who are trying all these vigerous action induction methods, I'd say you aren't ready. If you still have enough energy to do these things I'm impressed, but I'd suggest waiting. I've tried the s_x and it worked with my first. My second was late and I was induced only by having my water broken she was ready though she came an hour and a half later. Now, I am at that place once again 37 weeks and miserable. I can hardley walk. Doc, says he'll induce a week early if my cervix is favorable, but I have a feeling this baby is going to take its time getting here. My advice to you all ...REST cause when the big day does finally gets here... you aren't gettin any! Walk lightly if you get board, but trust me with 2 wonderful babies already here carrying the baby inside is a whole lot easier then outside!


hayleigh - June 29

i am 38wks+ on my 6th baby and with it being summer its so uncomfortable so tonight im gonna do my tried and tested method that has worked on all 5 of my previous pregnancys. first a nice hot bath then eat as much pineapple as possible ( does make u go to the toilet a lot ) then lay bck and let the husband finish what he started. wish me luck


Samara - June 29

I am 38 weeks with my third and waiting for the moment to come when I know I am in labour! When I was pregnant with my second, i was booked for a ceaser cause I was breech, baby turned two days before. My due date came and nothing so i bounced all day on an exercise ball ate Indian for tea and woke having contractions at 3am and my beautiful baby boy was born at 6:27pm


Nicole - June 29

Hi everyone,I was due on the 27th,I finally lost my mucus plug and have now dialated to almost 2cm,not much but at least its progress. Ive been walking everyday and getting some nookie at night! So Im hoping to go in naturally or I will be induced after the weekend.Good luck to you all and I will keep u informed.


Amanda - June 30

I drank 4 tablespoons of castor oil 6 hours ago and still nothing has happenend. I wish I knew what could induce labor, any suggestions



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