Scratcing The Cervix To Trigger Contrax
3 Replies
i went to the dr today and he "scratched" my cervix to bring on contractions. i'm almost dialted to 4;but i'm not making progress. does anyone know if this procedure is the same as "stripping the membranes"? ... if this long etc..etc..
hello it does sound the same but i,m not sure. i also had a sweep today i,m 2cm dialated i,m getting induced on friday if i dont go before then
yikes, hearing you say scratch the cervix just made me cringe! but i do know that when they strip your membranes they run their finger along the inside of the cervix trying to seperate the bag of water... this can release hormones that can bring on contractions and cause labor to start.. but my dr told me it only works if you're baby is ready to come out... i'm going to have this done in 13 days if my lo is still not here...
Do OBs wait until you are a certain point dilated or a certain number of weeks pregnant? Is this like first step before induction?