Stripping Of The Membranes

225 Replies
aimee - March 23

well its been a week since mine was bloody show came out...i dilated to three cm but thats it.All braxton hicks....gonna try to schedule induction on my duedate next agrivating.


Stacey - March 23

It is hard to wait and I don't want to be induced. I watched a friend on pitocin and it was awful so I vowed not to let them give it to me unless medically necessary.


Shelly - March 24

I am 39 weeks dialated 1cm 50% effaced- They stripped my membranes yesterday. I am having lots of cramps and lots of little contractions but nothing to make me think labor is starting. How soon after the stripping did the major contractions start for the ones it worked on?


michelle - March 24

The dr stripped my membranes at 2:00, by 3:00 contractions, baby born at 5:54!


sam - March 26

i am 40 weeks pregnant, had my membranes stripped three days ago and i had spotting and cramping but no contractions. still waiting!!


Shennoah - March 31

I am 38 weeks today with baby #3, both who were born on their own at 38 weeks. I have been in prodomal labor since St. Patty's day (2 wks. now) I lost my mucus plug 2 wks. ago, have had 2 different days of "false labor" and have been so miserable and uncomfortable. I have been having strong contractions for 2 weeks also. Yesterday my midwife stripped my membranes and it did make my contractions stronger and closer together, I am 4 cm. and 60% efaced, and ready to meet my third son!


Jasmine - April 6

39 weeks and 3 days 2day. My doctor tried to strip my membranes the other day but didn't want to push it since the procedure was hurtful for me. Im already 1-2 cm dilated. I had a little bit of spotting for the next 2 days but no contractions whatsoever. I am so anxious now. Maybe we will try again next week. My doctor suggested that I should try stimulating my nipples to bring contractions but I read somewhere that it's something you shouldn't try at home because it will bring longer and painful contractions. Anyone has ever tried that nipples trick and did it work for you?


Shennoah - April 7

Hey Jasmine, I am 39 weeks today. I was the previous entry before yours. My first membrane stripping was ineffective and yesterday my midwife did it again to make sure they got a clean sweep of the membrane. I have had multple nights of early/false labor over the last 3 weeks. Including 4 nights when my contractions were 4-5 min. apart and I am so tired! The truth is babies know when it's their time to be born and I have resigned myself to that fact alone at this point! I have tried everything including blue and black cohosh herbals, castor oil and yes, even nipple stimulation. All of which were effective at causing contractions but they never lasted past a few hours. Except for the castor oil which kept me on and off the toilet for 12 hours and caused me to be up all night with painful contractions in between. But it stopped in the morning. I don't recommend trying that to anyone, no matter how desperate! Good luck! I'll post back when my baby is born and I hope you will too.


Rita G - April 7

it didn't do anything for me. I had it done a week ago. I'm 40.5 weeks, 5 cm/80% and no signs of labor...


chourtnii - April 8

my doctor already did mine and even though it dident work it was still really painfull


mandy - April 14

I am pregnant with my 4th (due in 2 weeks). with my 2nd and 3rd pregnancies, my dr. stripped my membranes within days of the due dates. with both of them, i lost my plug about 12-18 hours after the "stripping" and delivered them within 36-40 hours of the "stripping." It was like clockwork! I will have it done again for this one if i haven't gone into labor by the due date. with both "stripping" deliveries, i was already about 2 cm and 75% effaced. it's not an easy thing to have done. it is a little painful, but more uncomfortable than anything. the difference in level of pain between women may be due to how aggressive or not the dr. is. hope this helps anyone! good luck.


Bella - April 17

My Dr. stripped my membrane without even asking me and then about 10 minutes later I started to spot and have contractions for about 45 minutes. I gave birth about a week later. It was two weeks before my due date so I think it did make the baby come sooner.


Amy - April 20

I am pregnant with my third baby. I have been 1 cm for about 3 wks. Yesterday I had my membranes stripped for the second week. I am in agony today with inconsistant contractions and horrible back pains when I am standing. Maybe it is the start of something? I also lost my plug today and have been spotting all day.


Shennoah - April 22

If anyone cares to know, I delivered my third son 2 days ago. I was on my way to the hospital for a pitocin induction, being 6 days overdue, when I realized I was finally in active labor on my own. I got there at 5:30 pm and delivered all natural at 9:23 pm. As I said in my last entry, babies know when it's their birthday and shouldn't be rushed unless medically necessary. I took measures to speed the process over the last month because of true discomfort and was convinced my son was trying to come early. I tried to help him along, but the truth is they had discovered earlier in the day that he was not decending and engaging because I had way too much amniotic fluid. A suspicion I had a few weeks ago but was not looked into by my midwife. I knew something was up walking around 4cm. and 75%effaced for 3 weeks! Follow your instincts girls and remember that you have the right to speak up for yourself and your baby. If your not satisfied with one answer, search for another, and everything will turn out peachy!


Ka__sey - April 27

I am currently 3 days past my due date and my midwife stipped my membranes yesterday I had a little spotting and cramps after the procedure, and lastnight I had a lot of contractions but they were irregular. My midwife said that I can come in everyday to have them stipped if I want to, with a little research I am going yoday to have it done again I just hope I get a better outcome this time. It is a painful procedure but my husband and I are hoping it will work!!


Ka__sey - April 27

I just posted and I forgot to mention that as of yesterday I was 2-3 cm dialated 50% efaced and at a -2 postion



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