What Do You Think -pg122364985138
6 Replies
i went to my doctors appointment yesterday and i am 38 weeks and 5 days and she wanted to check me(internal) because i have been having alot of cramps and pressure the last couple of nights and anyways she checked me and said that the babies head was very low and that i was dilated a good 2 cms and than she stripped my membranes and she said that i might get cramps and no more than a teaspoon of blood. i went to the washroom this morning and there was alot of mucus with stringy blood. i am sorry for the detailed informaiton. lol. i was wondering if anyone thinks i have much longer left, or if anyone else experienced this and how long afterwards they went into labour? she said to make an appointment for next week agin but she doesnt think that i will make it that far.
hi terri, I have had that procedure performed twice both times at 38 weeks and both times delivered them the next day. The stringy blood is probably just your mucus plug coming out (a sure sign that you are about to deliver!). Good luck!
hey dani, thanks for replying. i have been feeling a lot of cramps and pressure since i had this done and than again this morning there was more blood and mucus, last night there was mucus but no blood.
Yikes and cringe, why on earth would your doc strip your membranes at 38.5 weeks?!
Probably because her doc is like the vast majority who want to circ_mvent nature (because of course they know best!). With the stripping of your membranes will open you up to a host of other man-made-interventions. Basically you are on a clock now as your risk of infections now really rises and now they really have to make sure you go into labor soon. So sad to see how many women don't give their bodies and babies a chance.
hey everyone... just a little update. i went into labour on oct.11th at 9:00pm and i had my lil man on oct.12th at 8:43am. he is very healthy. he weighed 8lbs and 6 ozs. his name is lucas mitchell.
I had the same thing happen to me. 2 days after I had my membranes stripped I lost my mucus plug, (what you described, and it is very common) This however gives you no indication as to when you are going to give birthday, I lost mine 3 days ago and still no baby....(i took castor oil today so we'll see how much longer) Good luck!!