Pregnancy After Methotrexate-pg112838229518

385 Replies
navyboo80 - August 27

Stargirls,. my successful pregnancy happened 5-6 weeks after the shot. i received it sept 1, spotted for a couple weeks, went for a check up, they said we were ok, and ended up getting preg the second week of october. i was so scared something would go wrong, given i didn't have a normal period before we concieved, but she was born 5 weeks early with NO problems. she is 3 months old today, and gets more beautiful by the day. Good luck to you. all i can say is to take your prenatal vitamins, drink your 64 ounces of water a day, and try to relax. it worked for me. i hope you and the other girls do dust to yall!!


stargirls - August 28

navyboo80, thank you for sharing your experience. That gives me great hope!


Jody - September 1

IT'S A GIRL! Kenzie Marie King arrived Sun, Aug 27 at 3:50pm. She weighed 6 pounds 5 oz and 19 inches long! She's breath taking! After experiencing pre-labor for 4 days ( THAT KILLED) she finally came out! My labor was only 4 hours long and I pushed her in 50 minutes! The labor was so good! We are doing well at home now. Talk to you soon. Jody :)


liltif - September 1

Oh Jody, Congratulations!!! I'm glad she is healthy and at home and that your labor was "short" the hard part anyway. Today is my CD 54. I've finished my prometrium on Tuesday and now waiting for AF so we can try again! We are going camping this weekend and I'm having some cramps... not going to be fun for me!! LOL! How is everyone else? My thoughts and prayers are still with you all!!! ~Tiffany


Jody - September 22

Hi girls! My little princess is almost 1 month old already! I can't believe it! She is such a good baby. She is doing well and I'm coping too! I hope you are all doing well too! Jessica-did you have your baby?


liltif - September 22

Jody, I'm glad to hear you are both doing well! As for me, today is cd 22. I am taking the progesterone cream on cd 16-28 if not pg then stop and wait for af. If we are not pg by November, we decided to do an IUI. Other than that DD loves Kindergarten! She will be 6 on Nov 20, how time flies!!! Hope everyone is well. ~Tiffany


redshoe13 - October 2

Ladies - I just wanted to thank each and every one of you for sharing your stories. Since Sept. 10, I have been on the rollercoaster ride that is an ectopic pregnancy diagnosis. This is on the tails of a miscarriage that happened in late March. I have googled ectopic nine ways to Sunday and this is the only place that I have been able to find people who have had similar experiences. I am in the midst of seeing if Methotrexate shot #2 is successful. Keeping my fingers crossed. At this point not bleeding for an hour would be a treat! DH and I are definitely looking forward to trying again. My question to you guys is, after an ectopic or multiple miscarriages did you guys have blood work done to determine if there were any problems? What does that entail? thanks!


liltif - October 2

Redshoe13, I have had 2 miscarriages and no blood work has been done as to "why". The first one was natural at 11 weeks, and the second was ectopic. I had a blood clot in my left tube. I am now going to go on Wednesday for a HSG to make sure my one tube is open before we seek a RE, if not pg by the end of this month. I wish you the best! My prayers are for all women who suffer through this. ~Tiffany


Jody - November 5

Hi Ladies! How's everyone doing? Or should I say, is anyone still around? I still check this site frequently so I would like to keep in touch with you guys. My little girl is doing well! Kenzie is 10 weeks today! Wow, time flies by so quickly! She is getting into a routine now which is nice and is sleeping longer during the night. I love motherhood! Gotta go, I miss her already! Talk soon, Jody :)


liltif - November 6

Jody, I'm glad to hear she is doing so well and you are too! As for me, DH and I decided that we would do an IUI this cycle, and we made the apt and got in. My RE wanted me to do the hcg shot on cd 12 and come in for the us that day. Well that was last week and I had one great follicle on my left side 23mm, well I don't have the left tube anymore, so the nurse looked at my right ovary and I had 4-5 small 8-9mm follicles, so we could not do the IUI. She said there is a chance those small ones could grow and I could o late and we could get pg on our own... So today is cd 17 and I had o pains up to yesterday morning! Here's hoping and wishing and praying!! OH and DD got her first lose tooth this morning! She is beyond thrilled! She will be 6 on the 20th!!! Hope everyone is doing well! ~Tiffany


karralindy - November 25

HI! I am looking for some help. My doctors believe i have an ectopic, my HCG levels keep increasing and my uterus is clean. My last blood test my HCG levels were 11000. I had methotrexate on Tuesday. What symptoms should I be having with this?? I have had some cramping, nothing terrible, but no bleeding. I went for some follow up blood tests today and again on Monday, keeping my fingers crossed that they are lower? Has anyone had to have more than one dose of metho? Any advice will help!! Thanks


liltif - November 27

karralindy- I have not had more than one shot of the methotrexate. I had to have emergency surgery to remove the ectopic and my tube. I hope you got good news and don't have to have surgery! I would also suggest a HSG in a few months to make sure your tubes are open to avoid the risk of another ectopic. Best of luck to you and you are in my prayers! ~Tiffany


stargirls - November 27

karralindy, I had one shot of Methotrexate, and within 2 weeks my levels were back to zero. No need for another shot. I had no adverse effects. Now, 3 months later, I am pregnant again, and so far so good. Best of luck to you!


karralindy - November 28

Thank you for your responses! What symptoms did you have after the shot? I am having some heavy bleeding and clotting and I am starting to wonder if it was ectopic? Did you clot? HOw long did you experience cramping and bleeding? I went for more blood work on Monday and it went down to 7000, so I have to go weekly now until it reaches 0. Thanks for the help!


slowpoke01 - November 29

karralindy-i had ectopic in august and i had alot of pain horrible bleeding and clotting. it is normal and the doc told me it would be like a miscarriage. i had to have 2 shots and i had to be checked weekly took about 3 weeks for my #'s to go to 0. had to wait 3 months to try again. so dec we will try again and see what happens. good luck to you. also shots made me feverish and weak and sick to my stomach couldnt eat for about a week. just in case you get those side effects, it is normal. take care


liltif - March 9

Hey ladies, I don't know if anyone reads this but I am proud to announce that I am 10 weeks pregnant!!! We went to see an RE in Nov/Dec and I was diagnosed with PCOS, plus only having one tube, our chances of conceiving on our own were less than 2%. Well my last af was Nov 20 and nothing happend. I did not ovulate in Dec. So Jan 8th I had a blood pg test done to make sure before I took provera to jump start af. It was negative. I always start on the 3rd day after the last pill, well came day 4, and I told DH and he told me that I was pg and to take a test. Well lo and behold I am!!! It was a BFP at 3.5 weeks! Every thing is going great! We have had 2 u/s and the last one was a week ago today and we saw the arms, legs, eyes, and it was moving! I am being watched like a hawk and I am high risk, but everything is perfect! I am due Oct 4th. I am very close to my second trimester. (at the end of the month). I hope that everyone is doing great, and that there are more bfp's and the babies that were born a while ago are doing great! Take care and God Bless! Tiffany



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