I was wondering if any could help me... my boyfriend and I won't have s_x without a condom, but,.the condom broke. This was almost 2 weeks ago and I'm supposed to start my period any day now, but I've been having bouts of nausua and have been kind of dizzy here and there. So I have 2 questions... #1. Since thks happened 2 weeks ago if I were pregnant would I still have my period? #2. If not, would the first response tests the pick it up?
Sounds like the condom broke inside your fertile window. Did you consider using PlanB? How about weird cramps, fatigue, peeing more, dreams, backache etc? If you are getting pregnant your period may come up missing, or be unusually light and short. My suggestion is to wait until the weekend to test, then use first morning pee. GL!