I am 39 weeks and am having lower abdomen menstral like cramps off and on...anyone have this problem?
Oh and I haven't had any contractions either
I had them w/ my pregnancies when I was a couple weeks away from labor. I believe they were dilating me because every week I would be a little more dilated and effaced. It could be the early stages of labor before the regular contractions. Sorry, I wish I could give you a definite answer, but it's so hard to tell because everyone is different.
I have been having menstral cramping, lower back pain, tightening and now painful tightening along with this pain in my pubic region I can only a__sociate with cervical region pain. I am only 36 weeks 3 days pregnant but my baby dropped almost 5 weeks ago now. I wish I knew how long it would be...
I dont know if you know the possition of your baby, I suffered with pains like cramps in my lower back the week before I gave birth, my baby was back to back which does cause this problem, the cramps came and went like contractions and got closer together and more painful until I had a show and then my waters broke. Dont know if this helps at all hope so good luck .
It's been a whole day since this post. Are you still with us or in the hospital delivering?
I just started getting exactly what you are explaining last night. I have had it allot today and I'm 41 weeks pregnant. I feel pretty sure this is the start of something